April 20, 2018, 8:55am
Hi folk, first time modder here.
I am looking to perform a similar mod like the one linked below myself:
I modded a 'On the Road' i3 today. It is a little 16340 zoomie with glass lens. It was a deal on Gearbest, but still over 20 dollars (coupon still works I believe, see their thread). But I must say it is a pleasure to see a small zoomie for once that is well build: good materials, brass pill, quality glass lens, accessable and servicable clicky, nice wide flood, good output. Only downside: the very cool tinted XP-G2. It is small, even for a 16340 light, but of course you never beat the …
Basically replacing led and driver, nothing fancier than that.
I know I can buy emitters and driver from Mountain Electronics:
What tools(solder iron, etc.) and consumable(flux? liquid metal?, etc.) would I need?
Please linking me directly to purchasing if possible :partying_face: .
Thanks all!
April 20, 2018, 7:48pm
All you need is a $4 soldering iron and some rosin core solder from Harbor Freight to get you by . Here is a link for thermal paste from Amazon.
Might need tools to get off and put on a driver retaining-ring, so ring-puller pliers might be necessary. I got a set of 4 Tekton pliers for that.
Rubber sheet to protect the finish in case you need lots of grip to get off a stubborn or glued head.
Diagonal snips to properly cut wires.
Xacto™ knives for trimming.