

Don’t worry, there’ll be other girls.

Hey, good thing I made a back up! I title it: Kreisl’s shame. Rofl.

hahaha... good thing only person around me is my 2yo daughter right now, just laughed my a off like an idiot

I am so confused……

What’s the matter with Ms Milani? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, here we go!

Time to confess.. Is this what you did to kreisler? Bad dino!

We miss him already..

What have you done with him??

hahaha that is great!


A few vacation pics

Day one ... at the lake

First week...

after 3 weeks

crashed out at the crappy hotel

love at first sight

You know I’m a big fan of yours, DinoBoy, always have been, always will be, but you are just flat out wrong about this. IMHO, the squirrel posts up the most useful stuff. Perhaps even without rival. Without the characters that inhabit BLF, does BLF have any real worth? Don’t get me wrong, I love flashlights as much as the next guy or gal, but really, at the end of the day, aren’t the people the real attraction?

Viva la Kreisler!

Sorry about the French lingo… I’ve been watching the Tour. :nerd_face:

sorry to hear that dinoboy :bigsmile:

I really hope that taobaobuying account is a fake.

Wow. >.<

Kreisl and dinoboy walk into a bar.

Bartender: What’ll you fellas have?
dinoboy: Crystal Mud, on the rocks.
Kreisl: Stella Stout for me.
Bartender: Stella doesn’t come in a stout. I have a Guinness Stout.
Kreisl: Well…delete that. I’ll have the Crystal Mud too.

ROFL!! Awesome! :smiley: