Well, it's shaping up to be a very long, hot summer, but that's nothing new around here. What is new, or might be new in the near future, is me trying once again, to make this a job of sorts. Since I became unemployed, I have found that not many places are really interested in an old guy and so far, every job possibility has been a no go, "thanks for applying, keep in touch", kind of thing. At least a few employers have given me little bits and pieces of the real story, since it's Texas, the "rules are less clear and much looser about employment here". Basically, a trend is showing up and it's one that says if you are unemployed, you will not get a chance, because more and more places feel they only want people who are already employed and want to switch to another company. Unemployed people are starting to be considered as "unemployable" and they don't even get looked at. Of course, for me, my age stops most people right there. I have been told more than once that I am now "unemployable", except for the unemployment commission, who says I just need to go find a f----- job.
Well, I'm not looking for sympathy, really, so don't bother going there. That isn't what it's about.
What it is about, is me starting to do something at home, that might help a little, as far as making a few bucks, instead of just sitting here and going stir crazy, so I am starting a website and I will be starting to use affiliate links with every place that wants to be affiliated with me. I am looking at making a few "modded lights", not from scratch, but modded lights that I tend to like, such as the SS ZY-T08 and others. I will mod them and put them up for sale on my website and hopefully, I will also get back into doing knives and leather work. It's going to take time and it's no sure thing, but I don't have many other choices right now, so hopefully, I will learn enough to get better as I go.
I have included the link to the website in my Signature line and hopefully y'all will check out the affiliate links there. I do not plan on placing affiliate links here, in the forums. I just don't want to do that, so I will try it just on my website and see what happens. I got a lot to learn and make changes, but I got time right now too.
Thanks for putting up with my ramblings,