Convoy S2+, which you can order in very much different colors, tints, #no 7135’s
For moonlight on convoy,make sure to get the bistro a.k.a. biscotti driver
Where are you planning to buy it from? I am including shipping in the price.
I would say 700 lumens is doable, you can look at budget XP-L LED powered flashligts, I own these well balanced flooders/throwers:
18650 battery:
Thorfire VG-10 XM-L(800 lum) for 10-15GBP,
This one is 14500 bat:
Utorch U01 XPL (700 Lum) - 15-20GBP
My b-law owns Astrolux S1 (18650), used to be excellent but
I read conflicting reports on the current quality of BLF-A6 a.k.a. Astrolux S with XPL so don’t want to recommend it - buyer beware - if you can deal with the driver issues, it can be had for less than 20
You might have a look at the Convoy M1, an excellent light with great heat dissipation, or its more stylish brother, the Convoy M2.
Both come with a very reliable Nanjg driver with good modes. And they have a perfect balance of flood and throw. Where a C8 is too throwy and bulky, and an S2+ is too floody and gets too hot even on 3 Ampere, not to mention a FET-driver, the M1 and M2 are a perfect blend.
Another good light is the EagleEye X6 / BLF X6, quite small for an 18650 with a ‘midsize’ reflector, so still pocketable.
The Convoy M1 is a remarkable torch for the money, <£20 delivered. Pocketable in my opinion and a nice combination of throw and flood plus excellent build quality.
You may have doubts about dealing with a seller in China and there will be a two to three week wait. I have no had difficulties dealing with Gearbest and Aliexpress or Chinese ebay sellers.
Problems with the M1 could be that it’s not quite a tube light, it has a more bulky head, but the waste heat has to be gotten rid of. Also it doesn’t have moonlight mode. It will stand being left on full for a long time. Maybe you could ask for a special with moonlight mode.
What do you mean by pocketable? A tube light about as small as you can make it with an 18650, or would you find a C8 pocketable?
What do you mean by turbo mode? Full output which can be sustained as long as the battery lasts without the torch getting hot, or full output for a minute or so and accept that after that you have to turn the torch off, or have it shutdown by itself?
Thorfire and Eagle Eye also have lights which are excellent by all reports and some have moonlight mode.
You should certainly be able to find something pretty damned good for < £30 for the torch alone.
Eagle Eye X6
Convoy S2+ or M1 with new firmware
Works for me. Both excellent lights that fulfill the OP requirements, except that they are cheaper.
Eagle Eye X5R with XPL Hi for 30 $ from gearbest.
USB build in, good space mode.
If you want moonlight mode better Thrunite TC12 or Nitecore MH20W.
Watch out for the current editions of the A6, but here’s a new awesome light for $25 and a tried and true vendor, quality.
Thrunite TN12 or with build in charging TC12
Not cheap but good!
Convoy S series bought from Simon with new Biscotti driver
Thorfire VG10
This is all reliable stuff
Hey that’s right The Miller, I had forgot I saw the TF VG10 for $11.99 on U.S. Amazon, meant to grab a couple at that price, thanks friend…!
TF VG10 U.S. Amazon $11.99
If you don’t have one I’d buy this first . Then the second one from simon with a better driver and tint is an easier pill to swallow .If you have any ability with a soldering iron a driver just buy the driver from simon or a A6 driver from banggood and …a nichia high cri emitter . none of it will break the bank and all of it will make your light …sweeter and sweeter .
are you in the UK?