
NO way hose aye.

I don’t normally post…but when I do, it’s in ‘Please Delete’ threads :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t see anything. Or as my kids would say, I saw nothing.

That's leagues better than "you didn't see nothing."

When people use a double negative unintentionally, it makes me question their intelligence.

(Spelling and grammar matter to me.)

Nothing to see here!

As the captain said to Luke:"What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate"

This thread raises serious Philosophical Theological and Political questions. :zipper_mouth_face: :smiley:

If the D1S is gone indefinitely, should I go ahead and get a GT Mini instead?

Or should I spend a few more bux and grab an SP36 with LH351D emitters?

Why am I still planning to buy more flashlights when I already have so many??

The correct answer, of course, is to get both.

Depending on how I interpret the title, I see:





000000 + 0/6 (six zeroes plus plus a fraction there of.)


Ah, the good ol’ days when 1970’s sitcom shows seeded reams of memes for the Internet to indulge for decades to come.

Never knew the Guns N Roses song Civil War sampled Cool Hand Luke.