Trail headlamp

One of the things that armytek (headlights) does better than just about everybody else is a wide smooth beam with no discernible hotspot. As the light is moving around whether it’s on your head, a chest mount, waist mount or in your hand it makes it easier to identify rocks, roots, leaves, ruts or whatever irregularity is on the ground. Whether it’s way out in front of you or one step away. When it’s raining or misty or fog or snow or dust or anything in the air warm is better. 3000k . Getting it off of your head and away from your eyes is so much better. The elf is the cheapest way to get into an armytek. The answer I gave you in your other thread still stands. The C2 limited edition 3000k from that polish site is still the best option. Skilhunt , Convoy, … has a few 3K options but the beam is just not as wide and smooth as an armytek.