I’ve slowly accumulated a handful of wireless phone batteries, all shrinkwrapped 2.4v NiMH packs with the little red/black wire plugs.
They’ve still got some capacity, not enough to allow leaving the dagnabbit handsets off the base overnight — but plenty to drive single 5mm LEDs.
And the LEDs plug nicely into the red/black plugs.
Handy for little emergency/path/marker lights, not to mention Hallowe’en ghosts etc.
Can anyone suggest a simplest possible trickle charger for these batteries?
They’re low capacity — rated 300 mAh to 800 mAh
I’d like to leave them with a low powered solar cell charging on windowsills for occasional use.
(I realize these are just 1.2v AAA cells — I just don’t want to tear the packs apart, if I’m going to use them.
I haven’t found Si solar cells as EasyB suggested (except out of stock listings)
but I did just find this: MEGAJUDI303 : Slot88 Slot Online Gacor Maxwin Pulsa Tanpa Potongan
so if that spec is accurate (I think my cheap little DMM can tell me), I’d just want a resistor to drop 160mA to around 50mA
I’ll try the cycling dchomak suggested on my old Maha MHC-9000, which can cycle cells.
Hm, when I have old packs with two or three NiMH spot welded together, can I treat them as independent — put a magnet connecting wire on the plus and minus pole of one cell, connect that with wires to a charger, and just ignore the other cells since they’re ‘dead end’ not connected at both ends?