Just got the circuit boards in. :D Here a blurry picture of all 10 of them is.
I already got 3 LEDs on one of them and tested it. Still waiting for the Heatsink from Mattaus. (Haven't ordered yet due to budget constraints)
Just got the circuit boards in. :D Here a blurry picture of all 10 of them is.
I already got 3 LEDs on one of them and tested it. Still waiting for the Heatsink from Mattaus. (Haven't ordered yet due to budget constraints)
Those look great
Woot. The plot thickens! Did you reflow them using the saucepan method?
Yep, first I took them off the starts they came on. (I got them from IS) I butchered one of them but I accidentally ordered 4 so it worked out fine. ;)
It was actually really easy to get them on, just stick the board on the pan. Then you put little drops of solder on the pad and place them down.
Here one is with XM-Ls on it.
Nice! It took me the longest time to work up the balls to try reflowing at home but it ain’t so bad. On which tint did you decide?
I snagged a few U2 1A Craig’s been stocking cause they were so darn cheap, but I haven’t decided what they’re going in yet…lol.
Yep, U2 1As. He has a really good deal on them though. I have everything except the heatsinks so the first ever triple XM-L P60 will be done once I order a heatsink. (Placing order friday once I get some cash)
Awesome! Cant wait to see the finished product.
Woot! Those look fantastic, Scraru! What's the final diameter?
What optics are you looking at? And of course how many amps?
You must be blurry eyed, I count 12 boards. Since I found 2 extra, can I have em?
What are you going to do with the others?
How hard are you going to drive them? With what driver?
Ya. What you going to do with the extras? Think that would be a nice project.
My eyes must be more than blurry, I cant even see the pictures.
Great idea anyway scaru. I am curious about your plan for the optics as well.
Don’t forget when you hook it up to hook Negative to Positive and Positive to Negative since you have all of the LEDs on backward. All three of them are rotated 180 degrees.
this is going to be quite a flooder, haha
Nice catch. Are the “dots” at the positive corners of the pcb pads a visual cue for the similar corners of the LEDs?
edit Should have said “at the corners of the positive led pads”.
Exactly. The visible contacts on the two corners of an XM-L are the only way to tell which orientation it is in. (Unless you get really technical and look at where the bond wires are). The dots in the silk screen match up with these indicators on the part.
From this image you can see that the two dots in the silk are opposite the indicators on the part, hence, the part is on backward.
This may help:
- per my copper mounted xml post.
Very nice scaru. The pressures on now to make it work. There a few big hitter modders above watching you do this. I'd wish you luck but you really don't want my luck, you wont need it anyway.