Tritium Vials (Trits) now at BangGood-(Other colors added)


You can’t have more tritium because the laws and common sense don’t allow it.

I have a degree in nuclear physics.

the word is “nu cu lar”! :wink:

I never could spell. That is part of why I went into physics.

and chemistry? material sciences? production processes?

Fritz t. Cat, can you teach us some stuff about tritium or anything related to what you are good at that might be a common misconception? DrJones greatly helped out this forum by posting about optics and more.
Anything is fine too. I am interested in anything you have to say! thanks.


This is very true. If we had the healthiest lifestyle ever for a human we’d still die… of cancer. Radiation from our environment builds up in our bodies so the longer a person is exposed to radiation the more radiation they absorb. The more radiation they absorb the more chances of getting cancer.
Definitely do not try and cut them open. If particles of alpha or beta (this is beta) radiation are ingested or somehow enter the body they will wreak havoc. Alpha radiation is what’s used in fire alarms, and will ionise the shit out of you if you ingest it. Beta is not as harmful relative to alpha (but has more penetration), but is still harmful.

Was the last radioluminescent solid used in watches Radiium? I thought radium was phased out a while ago, and I’ve seen phosphorescent dials, but are there any true emitting dials anymore?

I had a tritium dial watch once, in about 1980. It was brighter than the radium dial watches I had had. My two year old found it in the street. It appeared to have the tritium in solid form. Maybe gas is safer because it takes less tritium and because it escapes and blows away before it exchanges with other hydrogen containing compounds.