Hi all,
I am trying to get my Windows machine connected to my Q8 using avrdude in order to flash Anduril to it.
The problem is that I’m failing at the first hurdle. I just get “initialization failed, rc=–1” when testing the connection.
I couldn’t find any specific information on the pinouts for the attiny85 MCU in the Q8, only attiny13, i.e. here: AVR Drivers - Flashlight Wiki
So I copied the pinout there. I have an “old version” USBASP device.
When I connect my SOIC clip the Q8’s button illuminates, and it flashes when I run the test script, but that’s it.
I’ve tried disconnecting and reconnecting the clip a hundred times.
Am I doing something silly? I’m new to this firmware flashing lark!
Thank you.