TRUSTFIRE X2 Super Power?

Hey guys, what do you think of this light? Anybody has one?

Nice looking light. Kinda expensive though for me.

A 90mm bezel with orange peel reflector but looking at the beamshot, it seems so small IMO.

looks like it would have great flood and spill, but the picture seems otherwise. doesnt look very bright either. the hotspot makes it looks more like a thrower than a flooder

had always heard the SST-50 was decent, but rarely properly driven or heatsinked. For < $100 I think you could go with something with multiple XML’s (like any of the Sky Ray Kings, Apex, etc) for greater output or even a Trustfire T6 that has the SSt-90 emitter for greater throw. Lots of chatter on those on the forum.

Or what I am looking at the BTU Shocker for $150 w a $50 credit for future needs. Be #1.

That’s the way I went. Slight larger, mugh brighter, and a proven thrower with good flood too.
Ships quick from FancyFlashLights, and you get a $50 credit for other goodies too. :slight_smile: