Trustfire x6 successfully modded by E1320 to pull 11.4A on high!

While this does generate less heat (and output too) due to it’s rather conservative 7 amps, we can’t say for sure if it will run on high for long periods of time (unless someone has actually tested the driver in an X6). Personally, I’d just keep looking for a 9-10 amp driver that doesn’t kick down so early.
I mean, if we’re going to go through so much trouble to make a beast of a light, why not do it well and make it last a long time?

There is a new 9 amp driver here that I know nothing about if thats any help.

anyone have a good place to but an X6? Heck, a dead or empty X6 would be better but unlikely

MF are showing it but before I paid for anything I would check with there live chat to ask if it was available for immediate shipping to prevent disapointment.

Edit. I just read this on the other thread running.

They look like the exact same driver to me :~

Anybody know of another cheap 9A 3-mode driver?

If you read the specs the KD driver for a start is single mode whilst the IOS is 3 mode. Good luck on your mission.

I think we are talking about to different drivers. I’m referring to this KD driver:
The specs looks very similar/identical to this one:

Sorry if I misunderstood you

Lothar. Yes your right. There is another link above to a single mode driver at KD. Cheers.

I think they are the same driver, my speculation is that they were all made by FlyDragon, regardless of 1 or 3 modes,
The modes is on the 2nd chip that doesn’t over heat, regardless of 1 or 3 mode version, the same problem exist with over heating thermo step down.

The thermo step-down is not fail proof, I had one burned out despite the step-down, best is to heat sink it well to avoid the step-down. Both drivers will need to pot the back side of the big IC board to a heat sink that’s touching the flashlight body, there is no short cuts. I did it by flipping the big chip & make the bottom surface facing out side for potting to heat sink with as little gap as possible. (Potting a 1/4 inch gap does not help much).

Just a comment regarding to swapping to 7A driver, the stock driver Hi is 6.5 Amp, so there’s little to gain.

Another thing to watch for ! Voltage

I know it said 5 to 15v , but sometimes they just cant handle both - current and voltage …

To get it to run on high without throttling back you may need to back of the voltage to 2 x 18650 [ 8.4v ] , …

I had the same problem years ago when modding Mag-lights , the driver simply refused to run @ 12v , but once the voltage was backed of to 8.4 , seemed to run fine .

I think you got it. It just ran for 5 minutes without stepping down. Sadly the tube does not work with 2 18650s but it would work with 2 18500s. :(

Now where do we get those 18650 spacers/dummy cells…

Just make one, that is what I'm working on right now. :D

I don’t have any plastic tubes the size of an 18650 though… maybe a foil cylinder wrapped like a normal cell in electric tape? o.o

I'm just using a piece of aluminium rod wrapped in electrical tape.

still waiting on beam shots

Beamshots already posted ;)

hello,I would like to mouth the driver 9A KD 26mm on my x6 …how do you fix it?? then it work wellperformance?heats thanks