What is the stock lux on the X7/T8? For some reason I haven't seen much about this light, have I been living in a cave somewhere? I can't find any review or figures for throw. In stock configuration, will this out-throw a Solarforce MPP-1? I have been looking for a light that will out-throw my MPP-1 but not cost a ton of money (like less than $75). From what I have read, people measure the MPP-1 as high as 52k lux with the UCL lens (which I have).
This light can be purchased from a US seller on eBay for $69 shipped. If this does much more than 50k (or am I just dreaming on that number??) lux stock then it may be my next purchase.
This comes with the SST-80, but the XML will produce more throw?
I have never swapped an emitter or a driver before, but I think i could do it easily enough. Is there a driver that would drive this light harder than the one that it comes with?
They have been used, but few here would buy (even last time). Folks are already refraining from purchasing 50-60 bucks light (42 bucks for a triple XM-L, it needs to be low), let alone a LED that costs 50-few hundred bucks? And seriously you'd need a better/bigger host for that to work, way too much heat.