My X9 reflector condition currently quite terrible. it has sort of fungi dots appearance at the lower part near the emitter. has tried to wash them but it stays intact. so I thought to replace it.
I have browsed the most onlineshop and end up with near similar choices in KD. but not really sure which one is the exact match.
has someone here done the replacement? please help sharing the right one.
I think the X9 is unique in dimensions. The reflector is bigger and wider than the normal C8 heads, so i don’t imagine a drop-in reflector being available. But I’ll tell you what, if you buy an extra X9 for parts I’ll buy the battery tube from you. (serious offer)
Could you post pics of the reflector? That might help. did it come that way, or did these develop?
here the pictures I took some time ago.. click for larger resolution or click here if it doesn't work.
as you can see on the bottom, there are lots of dots with white surrounding. for another dots scattered on the upper side, it just a reflecting light on the dust/lint. dots developed some time after the light has been modded. at first I thought maybe some grease find it way inside the head and evaporated due to heat and leaves stains.
as much as my willingness to have new reflector, I don't think spending $35ish for complete light to take the reflector only (and battery tube for you) and having useless of the rest is a good justification :D
Do the spots have any specific texture to them, can you feel them at all? And have you tried anything stronger than soap and water? I’m not sure of any solvents that may damage the finish but I’d suggest a soak in gasoline and gentle scrubbing with Q-tips.
I don’t feel rough texture over the spots. However if I look closely, it has a little elevation,just like the dust/lint does.
does gasoline safe for the mirror finish? I have tried using cotton bud (same with Q tips?) on another reflector and it has too much pressure on the surface and easily scratch.
If I recall correctly I once stuck a Jacob A60 reflector in one… it fits but would probably need a spacer or something to stop it rattling around, the hotspot is much smaller and not quite as well focused though.