trying to sell a few of my custom made phosfor-bronze springs

+1 on the Q6/Q8 project using these springs. That would make your batch size a lot larger. If you could also get Mountain Electronics to take up some, and some of these guys wanting 10, 15 or 20 pieces, you might be able to justify a 2000 piece batch. At 1/4 the price, many might buy even more, and some who won’t buy at $1 each might buy at $0.25 each.

I will ask for a quote for different quantities from the Tevema company and see from there what to do :slight_smile:

Like I said, I just saw the thread and didn’t realize it was from 2014. For the price, I just thought I’d help take some off your hands. In reality, even though they are low resistance phosphor bronze (or whatever) I’d still end up attaching jumpers anyway. That makes the whole point of the springs pointless.

I agree mostly, but I have used a few of my springs in builds that I wanted to be clean looking, and the slightly worse performance over bypassed steel springs is only noticed in the most extreme low resistance builds. And some new leds like the 219C are not voltage-critical anymore, but still high current, and these springs will never get so hot that they will collapse.