【TS10V2 Al available】Wurkkos "slender waist" TS10v2 aluminum version available with black,green,orange

Well, we could try a poll.

What color do you like for the aux LEDs of a copper TS10?

  • Red
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Cyan / ice blue
  • I don’t care

0 voters

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I never had a colored flashlight and i don’t know if i ever get one… !? But probably a red one… !?

It’s not coloured, we are talking about the aux leds :+1:

1 Thank

The copper looks great! I think I’d vote for RGB aux, too, so people can choose their preference and it would bring it in line with the TS25.

For single aux color, I’ve found the cyan and orange to be the most useable in the TS10…for this light I think the orange or red would look nice with the copper.

Nice color choice on the clip, too! Is the clip now made from thicker metal? Looks a little beefier in the photo.

2 Thanks

Copper and red! Can’t wait…

Is RGB aux releasing soon?

im looking to get a couple lights and cant be bother modding it.

1 Thank

With all the posts I’ve seen about people easily adding rgb aux to their ts10 I would think the factory could do it better? Make it happen for the copper version… Please :pray:

All the RGB mods you’ve seen are automatic color changing LEDs. You can’t set the color manually.

2 Thanks

Green or RGB would be excellent,

1 Thank

orange aux for copper for me.

Ps. When you say RGB, do you mean the full anduril RGB aux, like in hi-end lights, that can show battery voltage and so on?
Not just cycle RGB leds?

I thought the Copper version would be released next, but it looks like the Brass TS10 is available again on the wurkkos website, now with 4000K and 3000K :fire: LEDs.

3 Thanks

Thanks for the heads up, :beer:
the 3000K LEDs sound like a great option!

1 Thank

Sure hope they offer the 3000k with the copper.

2 Thanks

waiting for some copper

1 Thank

copper will later and the brass now with 3000K and green aux for choice now

2 Thanks

trying RGB on it now, seems not bad

6 Thanks

Orange aux are the best with brass! I wonder if Red aux would be best with copper?!

in last info, many people vote green aux

Looks great! Any chance the normal alu body will be available with 3000K emitters?

Can I rearrange the board from the aux from one lamp to another? I have a green body, and an orange aux, I want to buy with a brass body and a green aux and rearrange them.
If I have one TS10 with 4000K, does it make sense to take a second one with a temperature of 3000K? I don’t know if I need such a yellow light…

Can you provide a promo code for buying a brass version on Ali?