【TS10V2 Co release soon】Wurkkos "slender waist" TS10v2 copper available next week with 3000k&4000K

So many lights, so many rules… and Im getting dementia <<<<
Im just gonna get this one set the way I like it and just look at the rest of em.
Probably not … but Crap its frustrating.

That would explain some of my frustration… good to know if I can remember it.

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V2 copper 3000k (left) vs. v1 brass 3000k (right). V2 tint appears significantly greener to me.

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What are options for replacing leds in my copper TS10 v2 3000K?
I’d like to have 3K but CRI95 and R9 90+. Does it exist?

Zwerglein02 does outstanding TS10 LED mods. Suggest you contact him by private message to figure out what he can do for you.

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I think this ongoing discussion about Copper TS10V2 ligths is quite disappointing. I have had a number of aluminium, titanium, brass and copper TS10V1‘s, with all kinds of CCTs. And now, with the latest version of this light, there are all sorts of problems with firmware, LEDs, CCT, supply (I just had to wait for ever for my last Copper T10V2 in 3000K). I am reading I should not change my Anduril version as that might destroy the LEDs, and much more of this kind of stuff.

I think I am tired of all this. At the end this is a 35$ flashlight, and nothing more than that. If ordered it should be delivered as promised, and it should work as promised. And in case this is not possible, I should not have received a request to send money for this order - or, optionally, I should have received an offer for a return of funds.

I am sure this is the end of my TS10 time. This whole scenario is beyond what I would find an acceptable situation. Good bye Wurkkos, this is not good. Not acceptable for me.

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sorry youre discouraged and overwhelmed by all the information…

fwiw, there is no problem w the firmware, the light comes w the latest version of Anduril and there is no need to change the firmware

the LEDs work fine, and if you are a tint snob and want something else, you can change them if you have the skills yourself, or use a modder who has the tools and skills to change them

I dont think there is any problem w the CCT at all

the supply problem is actually due to Wurkkos exercising quality control, due diligence, and acting proactively to update the firmware so the LEDs are not overpowered.

For someone that wants a Copper TS10, it is now available

I hope you find a way to get past your worries and that you can enjoy the light :wink:

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Unfortunately, these immature and misconstructed lamps seem to be piling up over there in China. Even if there are no real huge problems with these newer TS10v2, I already see a trend here. For the management of these companies, flashlights are just a vehicle to make as much money as quickly and with as little effort as possible. Enthusiasts hardly play a role, and feedback (which could even make the products better) seems to be less important (remember: Sofirn SD03/SD06).
Maybe this will change in the future, I would hope for this. Tbh, I am done with these standard chinese Wurkkos-Sofirn light models, because of all of this. They could make them 20 % more expensive, and they could add more material to battery tubes/heads, better UIs, better QC, better LEDs and much more to them. But it seems easier to release more and more models similar to each other.

All I can say is that I’m super happy with the new copper TS10v2. It works as expected. The delay was caused by quality control. They noticed that the current was too high and could damage the LED. They got an updated firmware to solve the issue. Just imagine they would have shipped all the lights with the original firmware. Now you get a working flashlight instead of a smoking flashlight.

You can update the firmware, as long as it uses the new ramp table with reduced FET output.

But you are right in one point: communication could have been better. Let the customers know why the shipping is delayed. Starting the sale without waiting for the quality check was also not that great. But it’s a fast moving business and sometimes such things happen.

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Have some D3AA vibes…

Yes, this is also very important.

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Good to know, but not everyone has the ability or desire of the added expenditure/equipment to modify firmware versions. Wurkkos should have released this model turnkey with all assurances to the end user it was the final product and not requiring upgrades unless the consumer desired as such. Good for those that have the wherewithal to customize the product beyond the base offering, but not so much for those relying on a finished product off the line, whom I’d guess would be the lions share of consumers.
I posted a thread challenging Wurkkos to develop a headlamp version of the V1 TS10 over a year ago. The HD10 has been nothing short of an absolute disappointment with suckass bins of CSP 2323 LED’s, poor drivers, QC issues and obsolete Anduril firmware. I don’t care about the the excuses. Build it, test it, make sure it achieves the standard and then release it. Anything less is a money grab from gullible suckers. JMHO.

I think youre confusing the HD10 with the Copper TS10 V2

The Copper TS10 V2 has the very latest firmware version… there is absolutely zero need to reflash

As far as the LEDs… I agree they dont suit a Tint Snob like me… that is why I bought the Emisar D3AA, I get my pick of LEDs installed by Emisar… which is essentially custom built to order… That costs extra, and the host is not copper.

I think it is unrealistic for consumers to expect perfect Tint from a TS10… I think of it more as a moddable host…

imo, consumers who participate in this forum, get expectations that are unrealistic in regard to Tint out of the box…

this forum is populated by Tint snobs who are able to modify their lights, or are willing to pay a modder for the service, to achieve specialized Tint options

that does entitle consumers to expect inexpensive off the shelf lights, to arrive with custom LEDs

this forum is also populated by some members with advanced computer programming skills, who are capable of modifying and updating the firmware on their flashlights

this does not entitle consumers to expect lights to arrive reflashed to the newest firmware, from the factory…

though in the case of the Copper TS10 V2, the newest firmware does come loaded on the light, so there is zero need to reflash

Wurkkos also offers a 3000K LED option for the Copper TS10, which is the result of Wurkkos asking for consumer input.

imo the Copper TS10 V2 is a bargain for the price.

Think for a moment, about the cost of a 3 mode Malkoff with a green tinted SST-20, or 24 mode HDS with a Low CRI Cool White XP-G2, or a 3 mode McGizmo with a Low CRI XP-L… Those lights come with Abysmal LEDs, from the perspective of a Tint Snob. none of them offer Anduril, nor Aux, and none of the hosts are copper.

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Huh? The TS10 comes with the latest firmware. You don’t need to update it.

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I’m not confusing anything. As is known, the HD10 was released with outdated Anduril and poor quality LED binning. The TS10V2, regardless of variations all suffer from positive DUV greenish tints. I’ve read all the comments over time, and based on my personal observations agree the qualities that made the original V1 TS10 the exceptional torch it was have been lost in the model’s progression. My comments regarding firmware were specifically directed at the HD10, not the TS10 V2. My apologies if that was misinterpreted. Regardless, your statement about end users not “entitled” to expectations of custom LED’s is irrelevant. The original product was manufactured and distributed with what I, and many consumers considered an excellent quality LED offering, providing stellar tint and color rendering. You yourself shared Opple results of the initial TS10 release samples, and forgive me if I’m wrong, but had little but praise save for your preference of other vaunted emitters (ie; SW45, E21, etc.). So, why is it unreasonable for fans of this platform not to expect the same quality from recent iterations, when aside from FW upgrades or additions of whackadoodle Aux LED’S it’s essentially the same light?
I’m grateful the Convoy, Wurkkos’s, Sofirn’s, [insert mfg’r name here] provide flexibility for the enthusiast community to self-tailor production lights to their own preferences, but for those of us who purchase products anticipating advertised performance out of the box without modifications, it would be appreciated if there was consistency with regard to the quality of the end product. Again, price point is irrelevant. If one pays $22 for a perfectly good TS10 in 2022, why should there be any difference in 2024 (not accounting for inflation). I’ve always held the TS10 was undervalued for what it offers. The work TK, Sammy’s HP, The freeman and others in collaboration with Wurkkos have put into this and other models is nothing short of miraculous. I’m just stating MY observation there has been a noticeable digression in the quality of the end product. Noone needs agree.

In deference to this quote I submitted my reply. I may have mistaken recollection that some samples were released for purchase prior to the revisions you’ve outlined. If so, my apologies, sir.

I reread your post and youre right. That particular comment about firmware date was not about the Copper TS10…

otoh, you did also post that the TS10 V2 has problems with firmware, and that is not correct:

I dont think there have been problems with firmware in the Copper TS10 V2.

I do agree it is unfortunate that the Tint of CSP LEDs in the TS10 have changed over time, with newer batches having more positive Tint DUV.

But even with earlier batches of CSP LEDs, Im such a Tint Snob, I had someone change the LEDs in my TS10 lights, to LEDs I like better.

I dont think there have been any CCT problem w the TS10.

I do agree the HD10 and non Copper models of TS10 have firmware that is older than 2024, and does not have the new Soft Start feature. I dont think that means that firmware from before 2024 is obsolete.

My new one is ugly greenish, and I will not continue to use this light. I will probably sell it. I hate greenish tints. On many of my other lights I swapped LEDs to improve such scenario. But the TS10 is beyond my capabilities, as it is so small, and I don‘t want to destroy it.

I have another TS10 Cu 3000K, the V1 light, and I had an identical brass one which I sold, stupid me :see_no_evil:. Both have/had totally different emitters. No green. This was one of my reasons to wait for and then order this light, and now, as emitters have surprisingly changed, this is one of my reasons to complain. They should have told us that they changed the LEDs. With Wurkkos, you don‘t get what you see. They change things without mentioning, and expect customers to keep their mouths shut, and accept these unforeseeable and unexpected changes.

For me this light was and is a negative experience. I waited for ever until Wurkkos decided to produce a Copper TS10 in 3000K again. When it was made and offered for purchase they collected funds - but it was not ready to ship. And when it finally arrived it was not the light I had expected to get.

I was hoping for a long time they might do a brass version again. However, with this experience, should they do that, I will not buy it. For me, TS10 time is over. More hassle now than fun.

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Discounting the different CCTs, the tint difference shown in your pic looks just like my aluminum TS10 v1 vs my Titanium TS10 v2: the v2 is quite a disappointment as the green makes it really ugly.

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I understand your view, but with due respect, I think you might be overreacting. Wurkkos certainly disappointed with the tint with the after-v1 TS10 LEDs, but that’s only because the v1 LEDs were so much blessed tint-wise to begin with; compared to my other lights, the newer TS10 only lose to my D3AA and then only because of its much superior 519a LEDs.

And the 519A D3AA with no battery costs over twice than the aluminum TS10v2, and besides have its own problems (first and foremost for me, its preflash at power-on when set to lower lumens) so I think we should cut Wurkkos some slack, specially given their great attitude in discarding the initial problematic HD10 batches, and their great response to the community here in BLF and elsewhere.

Despite the post-v1 LED tint ugliness, Wurkkos is still my preferred brand and the one I’ve more flashlights from, and have spent more money at.

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There is good reason that “Tint Lottery” is a thing.

The flashlight manufacturers do not make the LED’s, they buy them just the same as we all buy food items that all of a sudden don’t taste exactly the same even though the ingredients have not changed. But something changed and could be from their supplier of an ingredient changed unknown to them.

To think that any Flashlight maker is going to test very roll/spool of LED’s is unrealistic.
There are many Zebralights with !@#$ green tint in the world and people still use them and like them. Many Olights as well.
Not everyone is obsessed with White Wall hunting.
I appreciate a great tint but consider it a lucky bonus if and when one comes my way.
When you do get them do not sell them.
My Brass TS10 also has killer good tint and it will not leave this house.

Funny how many times the Titanium lights seem to screw up the tint more so than regular colors with many brands.
Lumintop Tool AAA was same way, probably just coincidence.
Happy day and Peace Out :slight_smile:

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