【TS10V2 Co release soon】Wurkkos "slender waist" TS10v2 copper available next week with 3000k&4000K

That must have been why the Titans were thrown into Tartarus, messing up the tint is a really big sin! :grin:

Seriously, curious observation. My TiTS10 is my one and only Titanium light, so I couldn’t say… one more reason beyond price and thermals to avoid them, I guess… :thinking:

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I had no idea that Tartarus was from Greek mythology (or from the Bible either.)
I only had heard of the term from a video game that I love called Persona 3. :video_game:

Right here is the post we can point to people when they say flashlighting or gaming are not culture! :grin:

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Much of the appeal is the TS10, and Wurkkos lights in general, is the price. Expecting perfection from a cheap light is unrealistic. Yeah, it finally has some real competition in the D3AA, but the D3AA is about twice the price.

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I apologize for judging your comments. You have every right to be disappointed by the latest CSP LEDs. I am too. The CSP LEDs are not as neutral as they used to be.

As a new alternative to the TS10, with better LEDs, I respectfully suggest you look into the Emisar D3AA. It has a really broad selection of LEDs to choose from.

The most complete range of options, including FFL LEDs, are being offered by JLHawaii808. He charges a bit more, but he is in USA, takes pride in his custom work, and offers excellent customer service, including by phone. We can communicarte directly with the person building the light. His name is Jackson, he does great work and is extremely knowledgeable about LED options.

And for people that love the TS10 form factor but would prefer a different LED, here is a thread with information about the Modding Options to allow the use of Nichia LEDs in a TS10.

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My take is that the majority of people buying these lights do not care about DUV. I do, a little bit, but other factors are much more important. Like over all usability and utility of a light. The answer is quite plain to me. If you don’t like the light, don’t buy it. If enough people show that they care about such things, Wurkkos will get the message.

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Well said. Supply & demand is the best regulator

I feel the same way, since the CSP have become greener, and I dont have the skills to install my own 519a LEDs in a TS10.

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From Italy is too much expensive but I think in USA you can find a “flashlight friend” for this reflow

1 Thank

Oh, you’re a fellow countryman? Cheers!

Finding people to reflow emitters in the US should really not be a problem, but I don’t know how easy it is to source some @Zwerglein02 3535 MCPCBs for TS10 over in the states…

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Zwerglein02, who is in Germany, and makes the 3535 mcpcb for TS10, is closer to you in Italy, than to me in USA.

Although it IS possible to ask Zwerglein02 to ship mcpcb to USA, and it IS possible to hire a modder to install his mcpcb in USA… it is not inexpensive to accomplish that here in USA either :wink:

I actually bought a light with a completed swap to 519a DeDome and had it shipped to USA from Germany… I paid what I paid because I wanted what I wanted.

Special LEDs cost special money… lol!

I am a Tint Snob… if I cant mod a light myself, I pay someone to do it, or I buy a different light, that has the LEDs I want.

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Nope, my English not good and I am Italian 100% original :grin:

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i think eblaster is from Italy too :wink:

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Yes! Whether or not I’m 100% original as @Light_Veteran said is debatable though. I’m part of a German speaking minority in Italy :smile:

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Oh yes, the good old e-blaster :sweat_smile:

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I think more people call be eblaster than ebastler online ^^

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you can say that we were part of the great Austro-Hungarian Empire :rofl:

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The problem are customs and additional tax

Nice! I hope someone can help you for what you desire

In USA we pay no customs nor extra tax, the problem in USA is the cost of shipping a TS10 from Germany adds about $20.

In any case, I dont plan to pay to have any more TS10 LEDs changed. I have two that Im satisfied with:

I hope you are enjoying your flashlight choices :wink:


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