turboBB's 2012 Memorial Day Weekend Camping Report (24 XM-L lights, beamshots, vids)

Thx guys!! Glad you enjoyed this thread and again, if there are things you'd like to know about each light or have suggestions for future shots, please feel free to let me know.

@cehowardGS - Thx for the acknowledgement re: my wife and you'll get absolutely no arguments from me. She is the BEST! =o)

@bibihang - the yellow and green bags are by Maxpedition which I purchased from LA Police Gear whenever they had their sales. You can find a full line here:
(the reason I'm giving them a mention is I've had very good success with multiple purchases and the one time an issue did crop up, their customer serivce was outstanding so they get my thumbs up)

These are designed to be hard use and the material is very stiff with minimal padding so they'd actually make very poor camera bags.

The orange/gray one is a Tumi messenger bag that I've since retired from daily use but great for packing gear with all the pockets/dividers, etc.



Thx! and welcome to the forum!!

Aloha and welcome to BLF LANCEMARK444!

THANKS! :slight_smile:

Would of loved to see the SkyRay King in there…… It’s the only one i own…… :cry:

It's good to have you here, LANCEMARK444!

nice beam shots! hay bb, with the thrunite tn30, if i leave it on the strobe mode with the light off, when i turn the clickie on, will it come on in strobe mode?

Thx! Yes, the clicky only serves as the master on/off. The outputs and strobe are controlled solely by the ring so it’ll always come on in the output level or strobe mode as set by the ring. This applies to the TN31 as well.

Hope that helps.


Epic thread, epic shots, uber skillz, and kudos to the wife and the family! :smiley:

man I like that Tn30…still saving for it although very poorly…nice shots turbo!

Some of those shots look like the Wrath of God, which is what I would name a flashlight if I ever got the chance.

Very impressive, and it is good to know there are other guys whose wives have to put up with their hobbies.

Much thanks.

Thx guys. Here's a bonus shot from the pics I didn't use since "something" flew into the shot. Interesting what you can catch with just a 1 second exposure.

(this was for the TM11)

Thanks Tim for the information. Your bags seems not budget though, more expensive than all of my budget lights (currently the most expensive light I own is DRY) :smiley:

Hey guys, there's just a little over a month before I head back to this campsite again so I figured I'd bump this thread to solicit feedback on how this can be improved upon. I plan on taking most of the newer acquisitions since this thread but in terms of the content, are there specifics that would be helpful in terms of beamshots, angles, vids etc?

Obviously I might not get to all suggestions (especially in consideration of time constraints and potentail weather impact) but will do my best to accomodate them as much as is possible.


You are a sick, sick man in desperate need of therapy :wink: I prescribe cold-turkey therapy. Send me all your lights and batteries and chargers and cameras and I will dispose of them properly.

I hate you! Your beamshots will make my pockets empty!

Can i send you a few lights to include? The XT20 beam shots are impressive considering the field of competitors.

And the 2nd round Surefire beam shots are amazing. My untrained eye doesn’t see any spill. Can that be?

@texaspyro/my9221 - ^_^

@darkside - you've got PM. As for the lack of spill on the M3LT, that is correct, there is nearly none. For such a large turbohead light, it actually has less spill than an E2DL!

All, posted a response to a question (re: the location and the disbelief of being able to see crystal clear waters anywhere in the NE US) and figured I'd share it here as well:

That is beautiful Jamestown, RI:

The most vivid recollection of ocean water I recall while growing up was the murky waters off Coney Island where I could barely see my hand three inches underneath the water. This experience was accompanied by witnessing miscellaneous garbage being washed ashore so I can totally empathize with your feelings. Had I not visited Jamestown, RI myself (this is the link to the campgrounds we stayed at: http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=qxfj0291h25p&lvl=18&dir=0&sty=b&rtp=pos.41.490763_-71.399633_near%20Jamestown,%20RI___a_~adr.&mode=D&rtop=0~0~0~&form=LMLTCC) I'd also be skeptical that one can see crystal blue waters anywhere in the NE US but I suppose the satellite pic is exaggerating the color slightly.

Here is what it looks more like at the shore:

As you can see, the water is crystal clear even if not that nice deep aqua blue.

This is the light house at the sourthern most tip of Beavertail Rd:


And here's the lighthouse out in the middle of the waters just north of the Jamestown Bridge:


This is the historic Jamestown Windmill:


If you ever have the opportunity, I'd highly recommend you visit!

As for the light I liked using the best, it'd be a combo of:
- TN30 (for its floody beam profile w/useful low for general use and wide illumination)
- TN31 for its ultra-throw in which case I was contemplating lighting up the Dutch Island Lighthouse (http://www.lighthouse.cc/DILS/):


from the boat dock across the Narragansett Bay:

However, there was heavy misting and also given I wasn't sure about any laws against doing so, I decided not to. According to Bing Maps, it's about 650m away so I doubt it would've been noticeable from my POV but it sure would've been interesting to try.


As an update, given time constraints (not to mention batteries), I can't possibly bring everything thing I did last time so here is the current lineup planned so far (all XM-L's with exception of BT2):

Crelant: 7G9, V9-T6
FoxFury: BreakThrough series (BT2 & BT3)
NITECORE: TM11, SENS series (maybe and if so, only on LiIon's)
Stanley FatMax SpotLight
Sunwayman: T60CS
ThruNite: TN11S, TN30, TN31
XTAR: S1 Prod, TZ20

For a total of 17 lights (31 x 18650's (33 including the sealed ones in the FatMax), 8 x AA's, 1 x 14500, 1x16340, 1xCR2). I'll likely be borrowing a few lights as well.
