Turn your flashlights off tonight and look up!

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere tonight is the night for the Annual Perseid Meteor Shower. Last night was actually pretty good so tonight at it’s peak it should be excellent.

So for a change turn your lights off and look up. Best of course if you can find a place away from city lights. Good excuse to take your significant other for a ride to the country and use your flashlight to tromp off someplace good and dark.

Thanks for the heads-up .


No problemo. Should be good weather here, hope it’s good for you as well.

Hey this sounds like a fun thing to see, thanks for letting us know!

I have been looking forward to this and it has been (and still is) very overcast here and I won’t see a thing.

You’re Welcome.

It’s supposed to last till tomorrow night as well so hopefully you get a break then. Last night was pretty good and it wasn’t peak.

Thanks for sharing!

Not a chance in Seoul. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hopefully it clears up later, way to many clouds out tonight.

It is exquisite and sublime, and may have went over our heads, sans the heh.

I wasn’t able to see this great spectacle. So sorry me. :_(

Just bang your head against a good solid wall a few times… you’ll see plenty of shooting stars!

It helps to have a wife with a good cast iron skillet too. That’s for us guys that are too lazy to do it ourselves.