Two coming in the next 2 days

I just spit out my coca cola reading this. I just watched a movie where a guy slapped the shiznick out of a guy with a rubber chicken. You my friend are under estimating the power of a chicken

Just went for a walk with the FW21 Pro and Imalent MS18. Man what a beast… even on “low” it’s 700 lumen, almost too bright for walking around the neighborhood. Shined it across the road at a golf course and it was ridiculous.

I seriously can’t imagine if someone threatened you when you were walking around with that thing. Double tap to turbo 100k lumen from ~ 6 feet away? I’d be afraid of blinding someone with this thing

The FW21 was no slouch though. Incredible amount of light from such a tiny torch

haha yes the fw21 is so small yet it has the power to blind anyone unlike the ms18 u can also use it as a baseball bat and swing it against someone if u were in dangerous situation… but since u are in usa most carry a gun or a knife daily…

Ya, although i usually just carry 2 knives and a tactical pen. It’s open carry where I live so anyone can carry a pistol as long as it’s not concealed. Like a cowboy. There are a few areas where they’ve overridden the constitution) like Mexifornia so that only criminals are allowed to carry weapons but I have no interest in going to any of those places anyway. Dangerous and high murder rates - Chicago, New York

Can you carry a pistol in Sweden with a permit or just a knife?

I got a gaming pad + gaming chair 2 days ago :partying_face:
$134, it’s also a lot for me. How’s your chair? Mine is soo comfortable! I used to have a kitchen chair, so a big upgrade :laughing:

The jury's still out.

The gaming chair isn't perfect, though it seems very nice.

It's going to take me a while before I know exactly how much I like it.

I ordered some accessories to make it more comfortable, but they just shipped today.

At first i thought my chair was too big but now it suits me.
I wonder what your chair looks like, chow much “gaming” it is :smiley:

Here's a thread all about my gaming chair:

There's a pic of it in the OP of that thread.

Looks great!
Hope you’ll love it