This UF-V6 was brought up here in this thread by new member tarpon31 and I figured it was worthy of its own thread. tarpon31's impression of the light wasn't so great, but it does sound like it could be a good mod host and at a current "Buy It Now" price of $27.88 it doesn't sound too bad. Wanted to give y'all a heads up who may have not seen this in tarpon31's thread.
Thanks’s Gary for making a separate thread about these light’s and apologise for not doing so from the start.
I ended up opening the light’s up to inspect and they break apart in many different section’s….they use the same tubing/threads as my Trustfire 3xT6 extension even fit’s
I have never seen so many dirty shaving’s and filth between flashlight threads in my life it look’s like some kid’s were using these to dig in the dirt with so I wiped and cleaned them both realy good and greased added thermal compound screwed everything back together and the one light that was flickering now work’s….my guess is with as many metal shaving’s that were in each light was causing a short but this is a guess and I’m just a newbie so It could have been anything.
One of the light’s has an annoying distortion in the hotspot that kind of reminds me of the old maglight’s when you would try to focus the beam and get rid of the doughnut hole…lol.
I bought these light’s because I saw a thread where they compared this light with the old version Sky Ray STL-V2 and another light that throws real well and this light actualy had a better hotspot but the spill was not as wide so after personaly owning a few of the STL-V6 and STL-V2’s I was a bit excited to find this light because I hadn’t seen it in many places for this price and after being so thrilled with the STL-V6 I decided to give these a whirl and see if there actualy is a budget light out there that out- throws the STL-V6.
Unfortunatly when I got the light it does indeed look like the UF-V6 but there is absolutely nothing stamped on this flashlight….nothing and with as shoddy of work done putting this light together/no centerting ring over LED/almost no sodder on the LED’s I think these are just fakes……Like gary said I believe these would make a good host for a project but to buy this light to use as stock would be a waist when you can get an STL-V6 from and a ZY-T13 from ebay for so cheap……these light’s are just to underdriven.
If you all have any question’s feel free to ask but keep in mind I am a newbie and most of you probably know more than me about our hobby but I do know there is talk that the t13 and stl-v6 are discontinued and I urge any newcomer to grab one of those if under $30 ASAP as I don’t think you can find a light anywhere close to the performance of those two for the price….I hear there is a resistor mod you can do to the T13 to make it even better but everytime I turn it on I ask myself why risk it? it perform’s so well at stock unless I got lucky with the ones I bought.
If there is a way to upload photo’s of this light I would be glad to while I go through the dispute process on ebay because I realy feel I got fakes that were slapped together sloppily and the seller hoped someone that know’s nothing of flashlight’s would buy them.
*EDIT The Small Sun T13 on ebay deal is dead seller hiked price to over $50….crazy….head on over to and get that stl-v6 for $29.58 —> use coupon code 5percent for even more while there still around I’m starting to see budget flashlight’s get more expensive all the time lately so grab the deal’s while around.
Guy’s I’m having a heck of a time getting the photo’s to show up in my post.
I uploaded a few on photobucket and they can be viewed by going to post #5 and clicking uf-v6.
Sorry for image quality as I had thing’s behind me making it hard to get a still shot one of the photo’s has an STL-V6 next to it to compare head size.
The STL-V6 shines brighter has much brighter hotspot and much wider/brighter spill.
The Small Sun T13 even beat’s it in everyway and has a wider spill than both light’s….I realy hope everyone that wanted a T13 got one while the price was sane I can’t believe the price was raised so much I paid like $20 shipped for all of mine.
Thanks for the photos Tarpon31. That pill looks quite meaty. You're initial impressions of the beam pattern in your thread are concerning though. Do you think the reflector is not well made? I can't make out an led centering ring in you photos. Maybe it's black and blends in the emitter base.
That choice depends and what you are looking for. That light appears to have lots of heat sinking capability. So you can soup it up to run at high current levels. That is a big part of the equation. Other than the general aesthetic of the flashlight (personal choice), the reflector is the other big determiner. In this case, you indicate it may have a narrow spill. That is something I don't like having in a light. I think you also indicated in your other thread that the beam pattern is has issues. Those would make me decide to not keep the light. Can you take a wall shot of the beam? Maybe next to the T08
The driver would depend on the emitter you chose, power levels, and modes you desire. I can't tell what driver you currently have.
Thankyou so much for making those photo’s appear on the forum.
About the LED ring it has none…lol,that was one of the thing’s that annoyed me as soon as I opened the package and saw the light.
I had a few around the house and slapped one over the LED and it made little difference it made the hotspot smaller of course but didn’t improve it.
I think these light’s are my first experience with a light that has potential but is severly underdriven.
Today comparing the Fandyfire STL-V6,Small Sun ZY-T13,UF-V6 and Fandyfire HD2010 around the house (I live in a very rural area) I sure have a new respect for the T13 as an “all around flashlight” it has such a wide spill with enough light in it it’s hotspot isn’t so glaringly bright that it pulls your attention away from the the spill but it is definantly very bright to throw realy far and it is just so comfortable to use as well as being lite plus it having one button at the tail to turn the light on in high mode all the time and a second button on the side to switch modes when you want to makes it so nice to use.
Sorry to derail the topic it’s just the overall usefulness for this light is impressive.
The UF-V6 I still believe is nice as long as you can find a real one with brand stamped on it as I have seen online the comparison shot’s and the real UF-V6 is a great thrower I just think mine are a copycat that is under driven.
Saying a light is from China and is a copycat is kind of redundant. Finding an original anything is a challenge in this hobby. I think most here just judge a light by the quality of it regardless of labeling and such. Things to look for are:
Threads, do they fit each other snugly.
Anno - Is it durable
Reflector - Does it have a nice looking finish and does the beam look right for the light. (Don't ever touch the reflective surface. It's very delicate).
Heat Sink - Is the pill solid (not hollow) and does it fit snug in the light. Some hollow pills are easy to fill though.
Most here don't keep the stock driver or emitter (depends on the light). Just tends to the the weak point in most lights.
I’m realy bummed about this light I opened a dispute with ebay and they want me to send the light back to the seller in China for a “full” refund…problem is shipping was free when I purchased the light so I will be out some money if I decide shipping it back is the way to go and that’s if it even makes it back to the seller without custom’s snatching them.
I did contact paypal and ask them to take this dispute from eBay’s hand’s and have them look into it.
I mean realy how could the seller label this light a UF-V6 if there is nothing on the light that say’s it is? I am so angry with ebay right now. Sorry to vent here fella’s you all have been great.
I knew I should have gone directly through paypal first…when problems arise with an ebay purchase a buyer has the choice it initiate the dispute from either ebay or paypal and you pick whichever you trust the most….they try very hard to make you go through ebay but in the smaller writing if you read slowly and pick the right selection’s it let’s you open disput through paypal in case some of you don’t know.
I think I am at the point where I will close this case and try to make these light’s into something special I was impresses that the trustfire extension tube fit this light to allow three 18650’s…or do you think this would burn them out?
Could someone point me to a high white tint xm-L2 LED and a good driver I could buy that would allow three 18650’s so I can make these power houses? also the little led rings and such I never see those for sale is there a good place to buy them?
The reflector on this light is actualy of good quality just narrow like what was mentioned I just think I will close this case and make this light something special. Thanks everyone for your time and input.
Sorry to hear about the bad experience. I think most of us have been there more than once. It's a risk when ordering stuff over seas.
The good news is that light looks like it has a lot of potential. If I had two of them, I would make one a super thrower with a dedomed xml2 running at about 6 amps and the other an MT-G2. That way you have two very different lights that are good for different situations.
There is a chance you have a good driver already that just needs slight modification to be a serious driver. Here is my recommendation. Start a "Help me build my light - UF-V6" thread. Take some good pictures of the driver and such and post them. There are many very knowledgeable and talented folks here that would be happy to help you make decisions and walk you through the process.
I put some instruction in one of my posts in your thread on how to post pics. See if they work for you.
I have This light in the mail right now.
It looks pretty close to tarpon31s flashlight, although it says Cree on it. It also says XM-L T6, but I’m hoping it will come with XM-L2. So far every XML T6 light I’ve purchased from this store arrived with XM-L2 installed.
I bought it for $18 when Aliexpress had their big sale on.
I’m looking forward to its arrival, and am curious to compare it to tarpons torch.
In that pic above, it looks as though the pill screws into the reflector and not into the finned area of the flashlight body. OR, is the reflector also threaded into the finned body area?