So I notice last night while unpacking my pants pockets that my EDC is missing! I feel naked without it now! It was a Convoy S2 with an XM-L T6 4C @ 2.1A with an added clip for deep pocket carry (and the clip was holding fairly tight too last I noticed). Ugh! I've checked the usual expected places but haven't spotted it. I'm trying to remember if I used it and set it down somewhere. Might have lost it outside in the office parking lot (they plowed snow this morning so I may not find it until the mountain of snow melts off next spring!). Could have lost in Walmart after work (in which case I'll never find it).
If anyone finds it, will you please let me know? Or if you know where I left it please tell me.
This is why I carry an inexpensive Chinese budget light as an EDC! Not much worry if it's lost.
Quick, re-trace your steps! I did the same thing and I found my light in some flat to the ground plants 3 days later. Looked like it fell out of my pocket when I got out of my car. Of course my lot did not get plowed. I wish you good luck.
Ha! Way to be positive about it! At least now I can buy in the US from RMM (when it's back in stock and my funds are replenished after the holiday shopping).
I’m always worried I’ll lose my EDC light since the ones’ I carry are usually in the $50+ range (SC52, V11R, SRT3, or RRT-01). I usually keep my light clipped inside my pants pocket. Each light also has a lanyard attached connected to a carabiner on my belt for extra piece of mind.
I use something similar to the one pictured, but it’s wrist lanyard length. They seem to have them in either wrist or around the neck lengths. It has a quick detach connect so I don’t need to unhook the lanyard completely if I don’t need it.
I hear some cpf members lose their lights after getting plowed too S) hehehehe >) whenever I have a light missing I check my son’s room 99.9% off the time I find it there.
I’m carrying an S2 Convoy as well…with a 3C XPG2 Noctigon and 3A, 4-mode Qlite, smooth reflector…and a clip. My current fave, the XPG2 really seems perfect for these and it throws quite well. Got it from RMM…great host, great seller!
I lost my EDC light the other night when my sister looked at my new D25A and said “Oooh can I have this? You can’t tell me with a straight face that you will be without a flashlight if you give that one to me.” Yeah, I can buy another one, but, but I liked that one.
It’s better to have loved and lost your EDC than never to have loved an EDC at all…
Bummer. Sorry you lost your light. I carry a Moddoolar Pocket (I have for several years) and would be pissed if I lost it. On the other hand, I have lots of lights and it would take me all of 10 seconds to grab a different light to carry.
A better place than the pockets of a flashaholic?
What place would that be?
flashlight heaven? 0:) 0:) 0:)
I guess loosing an EDC is just as annoying as see it brake or defective.
That brings to mind, that I still have to resurrect my beloved Xiaozhi, probably in 2014.