Ultrafire C8, C12, XM L2 U3


Im new to this forum and I`m looking to but ultrafire C8 or C12 XM L2 U3, i was looking on ebay, and i found some but i dont know from who to buy, who to trust that they really are l2 u3, can anybody give me some link for c8 or c12 that really are l2 u3, and the page that sends flashlight to europe and they accept paypal.

Please help.

Thank you in advance

Tall bass boy he got a good c12xml2-u3 from alie press that he loves a lot ! BTW glad you found your way here to this forum shortly their should be some more knowledgeable members chiming in here.

Send an email to Simon on Aliexpress, he has been most accommodating with my specific LED requests and the Convoy C8 is as good as any as far as I can tell. I am planning to order with him today, actually.

Here you go:


I would recommend these:

Cold white:


Warm white:


I bought two, of them, and they really do a lot of light (from Kaidomain):
C8 XM-L2 - SMO
C8 XM-L2 - OP

price for price the best C8 for the money is probably is this one
I owned several C8 supposedly XM-L2 U3 but the beam still can’t match from lightmalls


Iam thinking about this one, does anybody have any experience with the seller ?

Thank you in advance

These really vary a lot, from store to Store. This one is on sale, and does have many people impressed. It is all about the driver, and how hard it is driven. I have many C-8s, C-12, and this does seem to be the best as Daylighter indicated:


The other one, is this one — it is a C8-D (Deep) and getting a lot of rave reviews as late: It actually being offered to BLF right now:

New Deal Alert: TangsFire C8 8W XM-L2 U3 1300LM only US$12.99+free shipping updated

Opps: Guess it Expired, but everyone was pleased with it …

I would buy this:

For a bit more …

I have ordered TangsFire C8 8W XM-L2 U3 1300LM from tmart, thank you evrybody for suggestions. I will write how is it when i get it.

Thanks again

Welcome Kawc!

I ordered this from Aliexpress and was very impressed. It shows ‘no longer available’ now though. :frowning:

Good choice, should be a very nice light.


I am not. Read the newer comment from TF C8 review.
