Anybody know what diy drop in module from will work for ultrafire cree xml t6…
Anybody know what diy drop in module from will work for ultrafire cree xml t6…
If it is a P60 standard dropin yes it should
But after looking at that, it's an adjustable (aka zoomie) these do not have reflectors in them but an aspheric optic, in non zoom (flood mode) the optic is almost touching the LED, in zoom it reaches it's focus point and focuses the light for a tighter throw beam
Body is a bit different..but this might help
Yes, this is a threaded pill design.
Star + emitter is sitting on top of the pill, driver is press fit into the underside of the pill.
As far as I know there are no drop in modules that will work in this light, not without a lot of modifications anyway.
Only way to upgrade it would be to replace the star/emitter, or the driver, or both.
Could u give me links to both…so i can try n fix?..
Depends on what you want.
Do you want to stick with XML, or go with more throw in an xpg2?
The star is 20mm, the driver is 22mm. I wouldn’t go above 3A drive since the pill is hollow.
This driver should work, may take a little work to get it to fit properly.
Xml2 with neutral white tint. More lumens than xpg2, but it won’t throw as far.
Xpg2 with neutral white tint.
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