Any one own this light .... Just ordered one , been looking at them for a long time ...
do you have a link to it
I've had my eye on these for a long time too. This appears to be a new version, the older ones had 2 modes, high and low...
Now they advertise high - medium - low. However, I did read in several places that the beam quality is very ringy, which suprises me because OSRAM lights are known for their beautiful beam. The DealExtreme page claims that it is a "LUW-W5AM" bin.
The light is a bit long for my liking, but it has a very nice looking clip and handsome knurling. Please do let us know how it works out, Matt.
I saw the 3 modes and . well ! There went my lunch money .... Beam quality ? I heard they were supposedly good .. Push comes to shove , this one might get a XP-G R5 upgrade if its not good .
I sure do hope its 3 mode .......
Old, I also looked at it for a long time, even ordered one first time it appeared at DX, but canceled the order after more than a month waiting for DX to send that. Eventually I ordered RL-198, which is basically scaled up version of RL-168. Build quality is very good, and although the beam quality is, let's say, acceptable, this light throw about 50% more than average P60 R2 module. So i'm guessing that RL-168 behave similar. Here is my mini review of RL-198 at CPF:
P.S. I finally modded my RL-198 with a more powerful 5-mode driver and Cree XP-E Q3 warm white led
I was wondering if it would make for a P60 host , dang , now I might have to buy the RL-198 as well .....
yes i own one and this is my first post here - let me just copy this bit of info here
well this is a old post and here below I lucked out in being able to bid on one of these for $1.00 plus $8.00 shipping off of ebay - way back when as you can see here
10 Aug 09 UltraFire RL-168 AA size Germany OSRAM LED 220lm tv-japan UltraFire LR-168 AA size Germany OSRAM LED 220lm - end time Aug-10-09 083400 PDTk
You sent a payment of $9.00 USD to tv-japan
it's been a great light
I use it with a aa battery as the protected 14500 's that I have are too long to fit into this and yes it will work fine and about twice as bright as operating on aa batteries
with either battery it has two level's bright an dim and a pretty good spot with not much spill
and i compare it against this flashlight of which is my everywhere carry :)
24220 | UniqueFire AA-S1 3W OSRAM 160-Lumen LED Flashlight (1*AA/1*14500) | x01 Shipped | $9.93 |
the above I bought off of dealesxtreme
Hope this help's
the AA-S1 from dx only has 1 brightness level and a broader spot than the RL-168 and take's a 14500 comfortably as well as a AA battery - its just not as bright with a aa just like the ultrafire above...
Welcome DecentMan4you Good to have you here!
Enjoy your time here!
Now back to persuading the car's cooling system to work....
Aloha and welcome to BLF DecentMan4you!
and have you seen my first and latest and only ... light related video ...
more to come :)
and this is probally not place in the correct place or yadda and hopefully somebody will come along and show me the way :)