Nice splitring and tritium slot, awesome! And also the head seems different, lower output of 130 lm and just 2 modes.
but… I’ve seen this on amazon several months ago for the first time, but I have never seen a review since then and even the official website still doesn’t mention it :s :s :s
same for HKE:
Anybody knows anything? I’ll probably send ultratac an email to ask what’s going on…
trying searching for the above images (which appear to be commercial display images) with google images and tineye… no results except amazon and this thread :s
well, the AAA/10440 version is my favourite light in this format and I carry it as my EDC with an efest 10440 since over 1 year I think (and a few emitter swaps :p)… so I’d be curious to read something about this light (provided it actually exists :p)
Also, the stainless steel version appears in their profile picture…
And… both the steel and brass version are available on HKE! at a crazy price, though :s
As for the black aluminum version, nothing, not even in their facebook photos…
I seen this on Amazon many months ago and patiently waited for it to appear on their site so that I could add it to my database. Eventually I got tired of waiting and scoured the internet for any information about it. Kaidomain ended up being the definitive resource.