Unpopular Flashlight Opinion Thread

Use this thread to have a friendly outlet for those flashlight opinions you believe may be unpopular.

I’ll begin: Copper patina, especially induced, desecrates once originally beautiful lights.

Not all budget lights are worth fooling with, and some expensive lights are well worth the price.

The cyan Emisar D4 is one of the best looking lights I’ve ever seen, and I love the “chalky” texture.

Iffn the wall ain’t white, your light ain’t neutral.

Advocating for smaller batteries on 1 cell throwers with a big head, why would you want a 1x14500 thrower with a huge head, the loss in size is so small it has virtually no bearing on carryability but you loose so much energy compared to a 18650 or 26650.

more than 15 seconds on turbo without exploding.

Wow, so many “camps” involved in flashlights :laughing: The superior battery camp, the superior color temp. camp, the superior manufacturer camp, just to name a few. But without differences and conflicting ideologies we would all suffer from boredom. I love the different views and differences in opinions. I also like being humbled, temporarily uncomfortable and proved wrong, it makes you grow like little else will.
My unpopular experience is this, HDS is the light that gets you home. Mine did not. My rotary failed twice. Once, falling a half meter to concrete and yet again being submerged in shallow and near frozen water for a hour or so.

  • Best user interface is forward + momentary clicky back switch + magnetic ring for ramping.
  • Some kind of standarization needs to be created so “pills” (driver + led) can be changed as easily as changing batteries. E.g. buy a BLF GT and a GT70 pill and you have both. Added bonus if the pills can be used in different flashlights (just like P60 dropins)
  • Flashlights should be programmed easily via some kind of connection, preferably wired (e.g. USB, a custom connection type e.t.c.). Not only for flashing but also to change the parameters - without touching the code - via a user interface on a computer or mobile phone.
  • Touch screens… Even B/W ones… Why are they so rarely used? We have ecigs with color touch screens for a while and with flashlights we need to click 5 times, wait, click and hold, click 3 more times etc just to make an adjustment. And that is the best case scenario, when we use state of the art software (NarsilM, Anduril) which, of course, aren’t responsible for the complexity.

3000 lumen to 300 in 30 seconds on a 18350, what’s the point again?
Premature Ejactulalumen it should be called maybe.

Maybe there is such a thing as “having too many flashlights”…

When you look at it, realistically.
The average person. 2 x torches. 1 x Small and 1 x mid range.
98.5% of them would never have a use for more nor any with multiple settings.

The AVERAGE torch freak (I class myself so).
Using budget mainly torches.

1 x Astrolux AO1/ Jetbeam Jet 1 MK, or similar.
Convoy S2. C8/+ or similar.
Imalent DN35. or D4. Or similar.
Convoy L2/L6 or similar.
with maybe a coke Can torch for decent spread.
With up to another 50 or more getting to that point.

Beyond that The rest are just plain hopeless Torch freaks.
Your a lost cause.
But it’s great fun as long as missus don’t find your monthly card bill hey.
Mine did last month… Whoops. Dead meat.

There what’s called P60 pills. a one piece unit. insertable into head of certain body’s.
Theey complete with lED Driver. Ready to go.
They pretty powerful nowadays. My highest are XML Hi2 and Latest an XPL .
I believe there are some triple’s/quads on market too??.
I’ve swapped a coupla early Cree Q8 P60’s up to the XPL’s. NIICE.
Ask around.

All Led lights are bright these days, find a tint you like .

Bigger isn't always better … especially when you start in moon mode.

I'm always turning lights down anyway .

I don't notice PWM so no one should complain about PWM.

Everyone wants strobe feature!!!

CRI is nowhere near as important as CCT, and as a corollary to this, Red is not the most important colour!

If white doesn’t look white and green doesn’t look natural, the light is not good for either indoor OR outdoor, so what are you going to point it at to appreciate the high CRI with yellow/blue CCT and green/rosy tint, a rainbow coloured unicorn?

Magnets aren’t that useful and attract grit. They should at least be removable.

I know :+1: , I am using P60 dropins and I am a big fan of solarforce P60 hosts. But P60 is what it is, one format. I’d like to see more non-P60 flashlights be easy to lego. For example, I have an Astrolux MF02 and I would like to leave home with MF02 and an extra MF02S (xhp-70) dropin in my pocket and be done with it without the need to carry two - almost same - flashlights. It would be cheaper too. It’s bad for business for the flashlight companies, I know, so I don’t believe in the popularity of the idea :smiley:

There is…… . :person_facepalming:

flashlights with build in charging.

+1 I will never buy a flashlight with integrated charging, I don’t care how otherwise perfect it is.