What LED's? Assume 219C's, if so, good to see you got bout the same results I got in lumens, and super hot in 30 secs, andd good you confirmed the fit of the 18350's, same as I'm seeing.
Notice the S42 has been removed from the BangGood site? A search doesn't show it, but a link from my order list gets to the page, but listed as all sold out. Glad they did this.
Even for a small light like this, a 30% output drop in 30 seconds makes me suspect that people should check the heat path, perhaps the ledboard is not fixed flat onto the shelf?
Mine looked pretty well done actually, gray thermal paste, 2 screws holding it down, not super tight but secure, didn't notice any bumps or anything, grease seemed well spread out. But a 1.5 mm thick MCPCB and a 1.0 mm thick shelf, thin alum at the head, plus 219C's using a FET (not sure if any limits on it) -- all add up to some intense heat real quick. That press&hold for OFF is a finger burner.
Here’s High 2 on a VTC6 (10.8 Wh) with 48 lm/W on average over the run. For comparison, a Thrunite TC12 V2 with a single 219C CRI90 at similar output gets 78 lm/W.
Just received my S42 today!
After reading for the last couple of weeks all comments of two threads here, I wasn’t sure if this was good news or not so … let’s give it a try anyway …
As I was aiming to use it solely with an 18650 cell (I don’t have any shorter ones), and the s41/s42/BLF_A6 18650 tube I ordered to BG didn’t arrive yet, I immediately dismantled my BLF A6 tube to use it with the S42 alongside an unprotected flat NCR18650B. Screwed all together, pressed the S42 on/off button and … nothing happened.
Tried several times, with a protected button top NCR18650 and the A6_BLG back (buttom), no more chance. I was still left in the dark :person_facepalming:
So guys, before I declare it DOA to BG, any thing you suggest I may try?
I’m not confortable with the idea to dismantle the head, there seems to be some glue there.
Had a chance to power up my S42 XPG3 last night. My observations:
The UI is horrible. One of the worst I’ve ever seen for an e-switch light. The UI is as follows:
Group 1: 4 modes: short click to turn on and then short clicks to cycle modes. The light remembers the last mode that was used. Long click from any mode to turn off.
Group 2: 7 modes: always starts in moonlight with no memory. Short click to advance modes. Long click from moonlight shortcuts to turbo. Long click from any other mode turns the light off.
Double-click while the light is on to switch mode groups.
The problems with this UI:
Long-click for off is inconvient.
Can’t access moonlight or turbo in mode group 1.
Can’t turn the light off from moonlight without first switching to a brighter mode.
No shortcut to turbo from off.
Very easy to accidentally switch to the other mode group.
The E14II’s UI isn’t perfect, but it’s still much superior to the S42’s.
Other observations:
Battery tube is too short for 18350. I knew this was going to be a problem though so didn’t try to force it. Instead I swapped in my S41’s 18650 tube which worked fine out-of-the box with no modification and no forcing of the battery.
The screw threads for the hammer at the bottom of the light add unnecessary length. With the 18650 tube installed the S42 is the same length as the Manker E14II, when Astrolux could have easily made theirs a much shorter light.
The light feels very lightweight and much more pocket EDC friendly because of it compared to the E14II.
The battery cover is too loose. The socket for it in the head and/or the cover should be redesigned to give a much firmer fit.
Very nice cool white tint. Slightly better than the cool-white tint on my XPG3 E14II
Max turbo output on the S42 is noticeably dimmer than the turbo output on the E14II. The S42’s head also takes much longer to heat up than the E14II. That’s a good thing considering the E14II heats up to uncomfortable temperatures in 10 seconds or so. As the previous poster noted, turbo output in the S42 dims gradually over 30 seconds or so. I suspect the driver is programmed to do this intentionally to prevent the light from overheating.
The button feels nice, but protrudes well above the head. The more flush E14II’s button might be less likely to accidentally turn on in the pocket.
USB charging seems to work fine.
What I like about the S42:
Anodizing and workmanship appear excellent
Light weight makes the light practical for EDC carry even with 18650 tube installed.
+1 on turning the A6 tube around - that's what I did, but might have still added the washer in the tailcap, not sure - probably noted from yesterday in my posts.
djozz - hhmm, still at work, but think you are right - alum is thinner perhaps than the copper of the S41. Never was able to get the bezel off my S41 though.