I have the same, and I think the same, perfect review, you have tried to load it? With a samsung 30Q, do not load it until the end, it tastes bad, because I like it a lot, and since it lowers a lot of intensity, Runtime
Reversed the A6 tube - still no contact. Checking internal and external screw dimensions I can see now why you did that and added some washer; that is right, A6 tube is a little bit too short at least at one side to make contact, so will retry once I have found a rightly sized washer. Thanks for explanations that clarified the issue. Apart from that, the rubber hiding the usb charging plug keeps going away, it's clearly too loose to stay in place - BG is supposed to provide replacement, correct?
Ohh - after you reversed the tube, please check if the driver side contact works by grounding the Batt- end to the housing, tailcap off of course . It should work, then least you know the driver end has good contact.
i got it yesterday and try it with this meco 16340 batteries it worked for a test but this light in my opinion is a total failure.
the UI cant be turned on and off with 2 clicks no its one click for on another click to go to the next level and a long click to turn it off this makes in unusable for any random person who picks up this light.
the next disappointing point is the strobe its so weak and soft you can look into it straight away without feeling disturbed (i don’t know who made this but strobe is around long time and easy to reproduce from existing proven lights)
next ridiculous Mode is the bike flasher its 3 seconds on then dark for a 1/10 of a sec then one for 1/10 this repeats 3 times i never saw a worse biker flasher ever. here again just take a sample from the blf a6 light this modes are all perfect why fail after doing it right ??
the user manual medium grey on white in the smallest fonts available on earth someone explain that???
this is just the UI all the hardware stuff are discussed here well already
and after playing with it for a less then an hour its stopped working at all now its total Dark
I don’t think this is necessarily true. Although I did remove the spring and install a solder blob, it was only barely enough to make the cell fit. It would be much better to have another 3-4mm of tube length to accommodate the various length of cells.
i wonder why they didn’t copy the usb port solution from manker this rubber thing makes this flashlight not waterproof at all because this comes lose so easy…
its funny someone copy a product and instead of improve it and make it better they made everything possible worse
The driver spring is the main problem.
But it’s not the only problem.
The tail spring is too tall and rather stiff.
it should be replaced by a shorter one or made shorter by cutting off a coil or two.
Why would that be better?
You’re not gonna use protected cells in this light anyway, because it’s a high current light.
That UI sounds ridiculously bad. What the hell were they thinking?
Something makes me think that if somebody from Banggood/Mateminco/Manker/etc… came to one of the resident firmware experts like ToyKeeper or Tom E and said “We’re making an e-switch 219C FET quad, will you write a firmware for it?”, the answer would have been yes and the result would have been awesome.
On the other hand, credit for being the first light on the market with a 5000K, 90 CRI 219C.
I'm quoting myself here to clarify this. There is more metal to the housing of the S41 than the S42. Comparing them, it seems like the much smaller driver accounts for a lot of it. The 17 mm driver the S41 has means the housing in that area of the driver mount is much thicker and the inner pill area much narrower, where the 20-21 mm wide driver in the S42 pushed the width out, combined with the sandwich 2 board design to accommodate the USB connector, there is no room at all to make the shelf any thicker than it is already (~1 mm).
Tested the integrated charger. Took 6 hours 13 minutes to charge a 3000 mAh VTC6 at 0.4-0.6 A (measured from the usb socket, not the battery). End voltage 4.16 V. Discharging at 8 watts produced a total energy of 10.56 Wh, which is about 97.7 % of a completely filled cell charged in an MC3000. Not bad, albeit too slow for me.
Charge curve
Discharge curve.
Blue: after charging in the S42
Pale blue: after charging in the SkyRC MC3000
Tom, checked this with a simple cable between housing edge and battery bottom, it worked alright: for the first time, I saw the light !
So inner dimension of head and tail (too long) vs screw parts dimension of classic A6 tube (too short) is clearly the issue …
Thanks for the advice!
My Keeppower 18350 end voltage was 4.11v.
My Samsung 30q 18650 end voltage was 4.12v
Is anyone having the same result when using the USB charger?