Update: 10-22-17. KRONOS K70 GB. $50. 243 on list!

This is the new head design we have been working on for improved heat dissipation. Notice the stepped reflector and less air-space in the head (more material left on ‘pill’ section).

Updated in OP

Really pumped for this light. 26650 lights are my fave

One please.

Me too! :smiley:

Hi, I’m in for 2 please, and Thanks!

one for me pls!!

OK…gotcha both.

Nice guesses…but the diamond pattern was inspired by the ThruNite Catapult:

Please put me down for 1.


Didn’t miss it. We were a major force behind it…see below.

The 5 minute stepdown was appropriate for the lower amps of the S70s. For a light that is planned to be between 8-9 amps, we (including the ThorFire engineer) believe a 3 minute stepdown is appropriate.

No, we haven’t tested it, but might be considered for future lights.

We understand that it came out months ago. We were the primary source of feedback for improvement of the S70…well…more specifically…KRONOS member JohnnyMac :sunglasses:

Didn’t miss it…see previous answer. Tint options are being looked at, but nothing has been decided yet.

Pricing has not been finalized due to some other changes that we are considering. We will make every attempt to make it as affordable as possible. Likewise, I don’t think it is quite fair to compare prices to an older version that was at one time on sale. It wouldn’t surprise me if you see the older S70 and S70s at even cheaper prices in the future…as that is what happens when newer lights come out…older ones are discounted to make room for the latest, improved version. We feel that the improvements on this light will make the K70 well worth the price.

I guarantee you that this host will absolutely blow away the S70/S70s host. We recently received the prototype…and it is absolutely fabulous. Pics and testing to follow…but please be patient…it will not be a rush job.


Another team with a plan. Love it and looking forward to this light for sure!!

Put me down for 1 please.

Nice design changes!
Funny, you say you were the major input for the S70S? The emails we had about the S70 adaptations, modes, side switch brightness, stepdown timing, them seeing the lighted side switch function as beason under Narsil on Q8 protos, all well before the S70S came out, with feedback from engineering on our input, sure gave me the impression of directly influencing for it was all done how we advised :wink: but hey, good for BLF :+1:
Ah S70S spotted for $28 now, but that can be a scam, probably is.

So sad you guys are so incredible silent here and were the last year, I really like you guys being open now about Kronos being a commercial company and all, but it is sad in a way that three respected members go silent only to post about commercial endeavours, feels like losing you for hobby =/= company

Bigger reflector like in a K60 would have been nice and something “useful”…

I am Sorry but now it seems to be (at least for me) just another L6/S70 mod

Perhaps this is exactly the charm of the light. It’s not supposed to be a brand new light designed from scratch, instead it’s like the ultimate beefed up mod where you can still clearly see the original design.

Yeah hear you, but as an owner of multiple modded and stock L6/S70s (for me) it’s little too late and too lame.

Don’t get me wrong I really think that it is going to be a great light and gonna probably destroy the other two.

Hey Kronos mate any chance Thorfire would be willing to make an SMO reflector for this K70?

Also i know its not the right thread but any luck with the watch?

Even if i was to mod my S70 it would cost the same amount of money. Plus heaps of time to make the heat sink. So put me down for one please. Unless you need an unbiased review done :stuck_out_tongue:

Neat! Maybe it would also help to make the first three fins slightly less deep. Can you perform a thermal analysis with your CAD program?

ill take one , tx

Thanks Kronos,

While this is an improvement and shows a great deal of forward thinking and tenacity, the light is still riddled with significant thermal bottlenecks. Most of the heat will be contained within the lower portion of the head, while heating the heck out of the battery tube. Can you please consider the following changes?

  • 1) The head should be machined from 1 solid piece of aluminum. Not 2. Dont take “no” for an answer on this one. I think the reasons are more than obvious.
  • 2) Take advantage of the additional material the 1 piece aluminum round will offer and maximize the size and placement of the cooling fins. Do not taper the fins at the base or they will no longer be functional. Concentrate on dispersing heat away from the floor plate to the most significant surface area, which is the head. With the 1 piece head (and without changing your current concept), there is room for 3 additional cooling fins at the base to help extract heat from the hottest part of the light, which is more in line with the floor plate. Its probably starting to become abundantly clear why the 1 pc head is so important. Especially in a smallish light generating a whopping 9 amps.
  • 3) Eliminate all the sharp angles inside the head. Heat does not travel well around angles, especially in aluminum.
  • 4) Eliminate the “steps” on the sides of the reflector, just as so many other lights have done. Then the head stock can be machined as a continuous, thick walled, tapered barrel to maximize heat transfer.
  • 5) If you’re shooting for +9 amp, maybe consider building a larger reflector/head to take advantage of the additional lumens and range that would become available. A larger head will also transfer a great deal more heat, assuming the prerequisites I just mentioned have been met. If not, its just another short use flashlight that takes 5 times longer to cool down than the amount of time it can be used at max power. And not to mention the first cell into the battery tube is getting cooked under intense heat… not good at all. If this isnt possible, increase the diameter of the 1 piece head stock so the cooling fins can be cut deeper, while maintaining the other suggestions just mentioned. You’re in need of a great deal more surface area to exchange all that heat, and that would do very nicely.

You’re all so close to making the functionality of this light all-it-can-be, and have come so far in getting there. IMHO, the additional cost implied in procuring and machining 1 piece round stock will produce a vastly superior light. And given the huge power level you intend to drive this light, a larger diameter head and reflector will convert to another leap in functionality, both in range and heat transfer.

I really, really hope you can pull this off.

Thank you for reading.