[Updated 2023-02-10] Migration complete

Bookmarked threads have a bookmark icon on the left. Hover the mouse over it and it says “You bookmarked this topic”.

When using “BLF Theme”, bookmarked topics are yellow regardless of light or dark mode. This might change in the future though. It seems that was sort of a test, if I understand correctly.

When using “TK’s Light Theme” or “TK’s Dark Theme”, bookmarked topics are colored to match the theme. There’s one exception though. Some of the other UI elements in dark mode are bright orange, instead of the night-time vaporwave / outrun moonrise color scheme I was using. So I’m hoping sb might be willing to change that back.

(for reference, here are some examples of that particular style elsewhere on the internet)

It’s an overdone meme, I know, but I tried to tone it down quite a bit for the theme here, like with darker blues and purples instead of bright primary cyan and magenta. Sb then modified it a bit on the server, replacing the purplish parts with orange or dark grey. Maybe going for a sunset theme instead of moonrise? I’m not sure.

Is it even possible to delete private messages? If so, how?

It looks like the background color change on bookmarked threads is more annoying than helpful, so I removed it. But I still think something else needs to be tweaked to make them stand out more, because others like Bort probably won’t even notice the little bookmark icon.

For now I set the font style of bookmarked posts to bold. I would prefer for the title to also be bold, but for some reason I can’t seem to override that part, while everything else does change:

.topic-list-item.bookmarked {
    font-weight: bold !important;

1 Thank

In the old forum Drupal would actually create two copies of each PM, one for the sender and one for the receiver. Either the sender or the receiver or both could independently delete their own copy of the PM so that it would no longer show up in their own PM list, but not delete it for the other participant.

Now it works like this:

The author that starts the PM thread can delete the message body for both users if the other hasn’t replied yet, and if necessary the sender can also change the deleted PM title. There is a grace period for un-deletion.

If the thread continues, either the first author or the recipient can delete their replies for both users, with a grace period for un-deletion:

If there are replies in the PM thread then pressing the delete button shows this message:

Notice that PMs can also be flagged for attention by me, so feel free to use it on PMs that contain spam or abuse.

That’s exactly why I asked sb for the accent colour … the label itself is basically invisible. :wink:

I think it’s a good idea to have the threads you have bookmarked yourself (because they are important to you) stand out a little bit more.

1 Thank

I missed that

It makes sense, but its not self apparent why its doing it which is why a description in addition to the colour would help.

BTW, your recent changes to the forum seem to have broken the bookmarked-thread accent colour.

I wonder if the bookmark icon can be replaced with text + a bookmark emoji via CSS?

What is CSS?

Yes, I changed it. Are they displaying for you now like in my screenshot here?

That’s how elements on the page are styled. Sorry, that was an open question to anybody.

1 Thank

Uh … there is some text in bold now? I had to look for quite a while to notice it.
I don’t think that’s enough to make the bookmarked threads stand out to be honest.

Agreed. I’ve had quite a few complaints about the highlight color, so I don’t think that’s going to work, but I would like to make the entire thing including the title bold.

I suppose that essentially means… no.

I’m not trying to be evasive, it’s just that it’s a fundamentally complicated answer. “Delete a PM” could mean “delete a PM that I sent” and/or “delete a PM that I received”. And then there’s the question of for whom is it getting deleted, just for me, or also for the other person?

In general with any platform it’s wise to treat sending a PM as if sending an email, which (generally) does not allow for retraction or editing.

  • The old Drupal forum’s PM module worked almost exactly like email, the sender and the recipient each had their own independent copy of each message, no edits after send, and they could only delete their own personal copy as if deleting a message from your email Inbox or email Sent folder.
  • The current Discourse PM system uses the same mechanisms as a public forum thread, so it offers more options to change or delete things after sending the PM. Edits are possible in the PM title and the message body, the first message can be deleted by the author for both users if there are no replies, and subsequent replies can be edited or deleted for both users.

I understand that you are talking about the server side aspects of the messaging system.

The situation seems to be that messages/exchanges cannot be deleted from a user’s inbox. There they shall live forever even if they are of no importance and only serve to add clutter to the inbox.

For removing inbox clutter you can archive them.

1 Thank

Ah OK, sorry I didn’t understand the question.

Great option.

Another option is to remove yourself from the message:

Interesting, thanks.

1 Thank

Actually it looks like this is another good option if you don’t want the other user to have access to the entire message thread even if there were replies. I just tested this with my normal user account in a PM thread with another test account including replies, and I was able to remove the recipient, and the recipient now gets a 404 error message when trying to access the PM thread that they used to have access to.