I just got my set today. I probably didn’t need to order the batteries, but they’ll probably find their way into other lights. Using a Samsung 25S in the flooder puts out a lot of light. I don’t even really mind the tint of the 6500K LEDs. The glow gasket is kind of useless though, as it doesn’t seem to last more than a few minutes at best. The lowest of the moonlight settings are REALLY low. They are useful on the flooder, but the lowest setting on the thrower doesn’t seem to actually put out any light. Looking directly into the reflector at any angle greater than fifteen degrees and the light might as well be off. It’d maybe be useful to allow finding the light at night, if left on, instead of using a trit. The highest moonlight on the thrower is little more than a map light.
While I’m happy with both lights, one thing bothers me… the individual numbers on the heads. First, did they really make 200,000+ of these lights, or do all of them have numbers 200xxx? Second, their numbers don’t match! They don’t feel like a true limited edition set with different numbers!
That’s not really going to affect my feelings and using of the lights.
Thanks for the info about the serial numbers. That makes sense, and makes them a little more special. And to be fair to the glow gasket, overnight, it does last quite a few hours.
Just to add my two cents… The first four digits (2020) is year, or with BLF GB version the first two (20) 0128 is the actual number of units built and etched for this GB
Mine arrived today so hopefully other Aussies are meeting their new additions also.
My initial impression is very positive. The E14III has a really solid and compact feel to it, particularly with the 18350 tube. As for the reported green cast to the beam, I might be able to notice it if I was regularly lighting up flat, white walls but in real world use (where I plan on using mine) it’s got a fantastic beam that’s a pleasure to look at. Thanks again Max, and Manker.
Had mine for a few days now. Overall I am pleased. Apparently I lost the tint lottery on the 351D 4000k. I have 3 other quads with this emitter an none of them are in the same ballpark as this one as for the amount of green. I am not overly sensitive to green at low levels but this one does not improve much at max. I have some 351D 3500k’s to use on a different light but this one MUST have them to make it a light that I will actually use.
I have 3 different Lee zircon filter (802, 803, and 804) sheets if I can find where I stashed them I’m just not hopeful that I’ll end up with an acceptable result. I have had good luck on other light but none were this green.
The Lee filter is usually inserted between the glass and optics. How are you going to use it in this flashlight when there is no glass? I ask because I’ve never had a chance to use it.
Has anyone noticed a quite fickle tailswitch on the MC13? Mine is sometimes unable to execute a doubleclick. It takes several attempts or a veeeery short doubleclick to activate turbo mode. Pressing the button in the middle always results in loud click sounds but on the outer rim of the button it remains silent.
tailswitch on mine is very solid . Double click works every time from the center or as close to the edge as I can manage. click is louder when pressed in the center but not silent on the edge. I think you just got a bad switch.
Sorry, but I don’t know how this is going to help me. Even if Manker sends me this glass, it doesn’t seem like there is space for it in my copy I got an incomplete and poorly finished flashlight. Manker has screwed up and probably won’t do anything about it.
Thanks Martin and Manker! MC13 red and E14III NW arrived today.
First impressions / unboxing:
Nice box!
Thanks for sealing the E14III in plastic to slow down the patina of the copper.
I ordered an extra 18650 and Manker kindly included a BLF Limited version.
I like the look of both lights.
The build quality looks good.
UI is easy to use.
The buttons seem sturdy.
E14III NW (BLF 200226):
It feels nice to hold.
The 18350 tube is smooth.
The tint is very green.
Thanks for not gluing the bezel!
I added a Lee 1/8 minus green filter (from Boaz) between the optic and glass. The tint is now only slightly green on lower modes.
Any recommendations for other emitters?
MC13 red:
The beam looks pretty red. It’s a little orange when compared to a C01R, but definitely red!
I took the pocket clip off and it feels nice to hold.
The 18650 tube has slightly sharp edges around the branding. I wish the 18650 tube was similar to the 18350 tube so that it’s much smoother when holding.
I’m looking forward to taking the MC13 red out tonight to see what the beam looks like!
I noticed that last night. It wouldn’t go into turbo. It took several attempts. The problem went away. It seemed to be the switch but I haven’t checked the battery yet.