Yes, it came with the glass lens installed.
I am thinking of emitter swap on E14 either LH351D 5700k or Nichia 219c 5700k
Any suggestions?
TimMc, How’s the Lee filter look indoors away from all the green foliage?
Is there anybody who has not received a green neutral?
Just wondering if this is truly a tint lottery, or is this a whole bin full of crappy tints?
Talking with few others that purchased outside this group buy. Their 351d 4000k NW are very nice, so they say, no green tint
So, wtf is going on here?
I own E14 serial xx0059 fairly low number with a nasty grn tint
It appears to be the case that this is just a batch of green LH351D emitters. From what I have read in other places, the 4000k LH351Ds have been getting greener and greener with each batch over time.
I just got mine today and it’s most definitely quite green tinted, by eye it appears to be about the same as the measurements that were posted on here.
That said, a lee 804 will probably drop it about down to neutral (and bump the R9 to the 90ish level as well).
I am not a fan of filters, generally, and not a tint snob. Green casts disappear for me with my built-in white balance. But this light is so bright, I may consider it. How does everyone cut the film to get a filter that fits and doesn’t bleed? With hands and scissors? I know what it sounds like to dangle this out there, please excuse me, but if most of the neutral E14III are green casted, maybe a filter drive could be set up… so those that are not crafty or handy can get a filter that fits? How is the filter even installed? Just stuck to the lens by static? Weak nuclear force? Casimir effect? I am not experienced in filters other than the kind that screw on an SLR lens (not even DSLR).
For mine, I plan to take the glass lens out, use double stick tape to stick the lens to the filter, then cut around the lens using it as a “stencil”/guide. After that I will take off the tape and just insert it between the glass/optic. I have done it that way with many lights. The tape/lens method works great for me, anyway.
As far as the tint, I am annoyingly sensitive to green tint, particularly when it comes to skin tones. The main benefit for me though, is the color rendering of the LH351D with the 804. It makes colors POP. The difference is definitely apparent, and not subtle.
Thanks for the explanation. That doesn’t sound too difficult, if I can find a table to work and cut on. I expect it can be cleaned off the lens, but doesn’t the tape leave residue on the film?
Depends on the tape. It usually comes off cleanly for me, since it’s glass and smooth plastic, and isn’t on there for very long. In my experience it only really leaves residue on things that it’s left on for a long time. I have used double-stick scotch tape, as well as a generic version of the same thing. I have even used “cat tape” which is made to keep cats from scratching things. All worked fine for me.
The cat tape I have used for putting a filter on a lens and when taking it off, it did leave residue, but it was fairly easy to clean off just using my fingers rubbing it.
Also, just for some “math” a lee 804 cuts light by almost exactly 15, so if the measurements from earlier are relatively close, it would be just under 2000 lumens on turbo with the 804. 15 drop in my experience is small enough to not really be able to tell the difference. For me it’s when it gets to about a 30% drop that it is noticeable, but honestly even that is barely.
Tint looks good “to me” on the E14 that was received, but everyone see’s things as their eyes process.
On another topic of same set, is the green indicator on the 18350 battery supposed to still stay light green once removed from charging?
Love the set for the money given, my friend said the small flashlight looks like a big Duracell with the copper top
Buy Lights Faster
Many acronyms have multiple meanings. This one’s likely to encourage sales.
I’ve definitely got the manufacturing difference in the button, my 18350 tube is flawless but the 18650 tube has a little bit of wiggle room, hopefully it’s an easy fix
another 46 days to go……
Does anyone know of a good source for Lee filters?
B&H Photo is backordered on 804 minus green
24x24”sheets is smallest size I’m locating, way more than I will ever want to use
While it’s still not a great bin removing the lens is about half way to a 1/8 filter with no light loss. In someone else’s review the MCPCB is screwed down so I guess you could roll with no lens if you really want to (maybe thicker O ring if you care about water resistance). If you are the type to use a filter (not me) I would source a clear lens to make your output loss worth it.
STOCK LENS - high / turbo (18350)
NO LENS - high / turbo (18350)
BLF member Boaz was selling smaller sections of several Lee filter flavors.
BTW, Boaz also sells d-c-fix diffusion material in several varieties.
It’s still slightly green on a lower mode. But I’m happy with it.
Here are some quick photos with my phone:
EDIT: I used #F1 - 1/8 Minus Green filter from Boaz
TimMc, if your eyes see same as in photo appears green is gone, Thx…
Thanks for link goshdogit!