No, I'm not joking...


Thoroughly disgusted. lol

Uranus is the god of the sky in the Greek mythology. I've read a couple of books with Greek mythological stories. The god is castrated at one point.

Another Uranusfire photo here. (Searched BLF and seems the name has come up quite a bit. (This photo courtesy of E1320.)


I still need to get one of these "Uranusfire" lights for my little collection. Love the name!

I know that, but listen to how it sounds in conjunction with "fire." We had a post the other day about what we'd least like to see attached to the word "fire" and then I go and see this (which I hadn't yet seen).

It's funny (think: eating lots of habaneros).

With the name visible, it would be a perfect shelf queen! lol

True that!

The Uranusfire name looks best on the yellow jade lights. "Honestly, its just a flashlight."


Nowadays we call here "uranus" , the sky. So, skyfire = uranusfire lol!


the shape really gives some unpleasant feelings...

Maybe some shrewd Chinese marketers read the thread discussing various "fire" names, and thought everyone was being serious! haha

More of a shelf 'queer' :p

“Queen” still applies and is just a bit more subtle. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought those lights were designed for inspecting GEMS .

maybe added to your hat it would make a nice little miners light .

Looks like it's shaped like a suppository.

a bowl of hot chili gave me Uranusfire once

LOL I was thinking the same thing from the title of this thread.

I was looking around on either DD or ebay and one of lights was branded "FireFire". Thats what was actually printed on the light. I guess they ran out of words to put with "Fire" so they just said what the hell used the same word twice.

Might be a flash light for a proctologist ...