Looking for something similar to the Oscar Delta SPD 18650 conversion kit, or even just a simple tube made out of Delrin. I just don’t want to pay not only $25 for the tube, but then another $10 for shipping.
Anyone making these cheaper (under $20) in the USA?
I used a piece of 1" PVC Pipe and then a piece of 3/4" plastic electrical conduit (because it fit better than the smaller PVC pipe). Ah - found my old post with pics.
It's a 1-1/4" drain pipe made by Keeney. Lowe's is where I get them, in the plumbing area, where all the sink drain stuff is. I cut it right up on the larger OD, just so I have that larger OD lip and then cut it again to fit the length. The lip will screw in the threads and hold it in place down in past the threads. I put two O rings on it, to keep it from rattling and then use a piece of 3/4 PVC pipe for the 18650. That way I have a 26650 sleeve and an 18650 sleeve.