It is strange. We should have a fifty/fifty chance of getting the old USB plugs oriented correctly on the first try.
For me this seems to be like a 2 in ten chance… ARRRRG !!
Good idea on the labelling, as long as you can see how the socket is oriented… SIGH. Thank god for USB C… what took them so long… or better why was it designed so poorly to begin with ??
Get day-glo neon-green tie-wraps, the teenytiny ones. At each end loop around the cable at the base of each connector, put the bump part where “top” should be. Snug down tightly by gripping with needlenose pliers.
Could have a “system” like green for data and red/pink for power.
Me too. Feels like I can get it wrong on the same connection both ways!
RC, I’ve got a Brother P-Touch label printer.
It prints on this great thin laminated media. Various colors. Never smudges.
Going to color code the charge only cables.
I love this thing. I had to buy a second one cause my Win95(?) era version ran out of media. That and the last driver update was XP - Serial interface anyone?
Labels stick well to the “A” plug end and don’t get nasty-gooey, like all the other tape, when stuck to a cable. Also makes a great cable wrap type of label.
White label with “Top” on so I can tell which way is up without needing a flashlight.
Now if we could only get desktop makers to put the “A” ports oriented in the same direction.
I’ve marked my USB wall warts with their output rating with the label facing so it corresponds to the top label on the cables.
Going to have a labeling frenzy once everything is sorted out.
All the Best,
Sigh…If I did 20 cables per day it would probably take me a month an a half to label all of my cables.
What really sucks is when I have to dig out a cable that uses the USB mini connector. Though I probably have at least 30 of them, it will take half an hour or more of digging to find one…
How did you get that lightening bolt symbol. I have a P-Touch system and don’t believe I ever saw that option.
Mine is the new-ish D610BT printer. Keyboard and PC connected input.
But I think all the computer connected P-Touch (might?) use the same Windows software.
Think my editor is version 6.3.1
The lightning bolt is under the symbols drop-down button option on the menu bar on the top of the screen. Have to scroll several rows down to find it.
It’s under the “sign” symbol set.
There might be one in some symbol character font. But I don’t remember seeing one.
I’m sure there must be a bunch of them out there someplace.
All the Best,
From the printers keyboard - which I never use - There is a symbol button. Then arrow key to find the symbol you want. It’s built into this printers symbol set. I just looked.
I will dig the printer(s) out and check. I actually have a couple of the printers. A larger one that is setup to interface with a computer and a small one that I use with batteries for small jobs. I never dug to deeply into the symbols.
Though I only have two or three of the Apple style cables… I just thought that lightning bolt is great for them…