Is it even possible to have all of this specs into one same product?
First of all, I am completely new to this LED light world and I found your forum an amazing source of info. I have read a lot and the several possibilities are kind of driving me crazy, so I registered and posted to hear your thoughs.
Let's to the requirements:
- I go out into the wild when there's no moon and no ilumiination at all, completely darkeness miles around me. I would like something for long range path finding (~300m maybe / 1000 lumen?)
- As a photographer and hiker, I am always full of load. Size and weight are very important, so something 1x18650 or something comparable in size would be nice.
- I have lots of camera batteries and chagers that bothers me a lot already. I do not want to add another charger to my stuff, so USB in-light recharging would be nice.
- As a night photographer, I would take advantage of the light and use it for light painting the landscape in a long exposure picture. So good CRI would be really nice.
- I see that a XP-L V6 led would be nicer over the old XM-L2 (I don't want to dedome anything), so I am looking into newer products.
- battery included in the package would save me a lot of time and money into researching good battery brands (I know nothing about it).
- I'll be ordering the light online, so good chinese companies are preferable in the $50~$70 range if that's possible, but I could spend a little more if that means higher CRI and further throw range.
Let's to my thoughs:
I found that the Thrunite TC12 had meet all of the expectations at first (neutral white, USB charging, 1000lumen XP-L led, 1x18650 battery included), but then I have seen some remarks that made me in doubt:
- Cree neutral whites tend to have a green tint (or any kind of tint). If that's the case, I would be better off buying two lights: one with fartest reach/throw I could find with no compromises despite the size and weight, and other with the best CRI for photography and not care about throw. I would stick with a Jaxman E2 with the Nichia 219B (best CRI according to this review ) plus the best small thrower I could find. It could be in cool white now, because I would use the Jaxman to do photography job.
- How does the TC12 compare to the Nitecore P12GT in terms of throw and range in the dark? I am afraid I could have a better throw with another compact light.
What do you think?
Option #1: one-product-meets-all. Thrunite TC12? Any others?
Option #2: Jaxman E2 (Nichia 219B) plus a cool white/significant better thrower than TC12? I could buy a separate battery and recharger if there's a significant increase on the thrower range on this case.
I have seen lots of models up to now: USB rechargeables Fenix TK09, RC11, UC35, Nitecore MH20 and also the non rechargeable Nitecore P12W, P12GT, Fenix PD32, PD35tact, E35UE, E25UE, Brinyte B158, Convoy C8 but at this point there are so many options that my newbie head almost exploded sorting everything. Every time I research a little more I meet new products and become even more confused. What are your thoughs?