"user negotiated deals"

I’m just wondering what it actually means about user negotiated deals. Does it mean that I can just spam away with the same links and codes as others are posting and just put an affiliate link in the link so I get a cut?

Are we meant to work with BG/GB/FT etc ourselves to get a special code? If so how come people all seem to have the same codes?

Is it negative of me to think that some people are just coming along trying to make money out of us by sharing codes that others have posted and just using their own affiliate links?

I for one have bought a number of items from the posts but I’ve always stripped the affiliate link from the body as I don’t agree with 2-3 seperate threads all with the same code just a different affiliate link on them.

Sure, the stuff I’ve bought from group buys or PM’d codes I’ll gladly put the aff link back in but others it just seems like they are copying someone elses homework.

Yep, they’re just trying to make an extra buck…
But does it bother me?
Not really, but there are quite a lot of them recently.
A bit overkill i.m.o.
And indeed the question rises: To what extend are those deals ‘user negotiated’?
None the less, you can sometimes save quite some money with those coupons.

But does it make it okay if I just copy all of pablo’s posts? Mix them up a little bit, add an aff code too.

I’m not saying people are copying pablo’s stuff I’m just using that as an example.

If users want to spam the forum with affiliate links they should be able to do that, but I wouldn’t want to see those threads in “recent posts”. Is there a chance we can have them in a commercial section so the recent post section isn’t packed with 7-8 “deal threads” that are updated every few hours?
At least my relevant recent threads are on page 2-3 instead of 1.

That’s the reason why, beginning in 2012 up to today, I never considered being an affiliate of any vendor, never used an affiliate link but only direct links, for I just enjoy doing this.

I like the camaraderie here in BLF, that’s first and foremost, as this flashlight and charger ‘madness’ brought me here, haha.

I don’t mind regular members sharing aff links especially if they are negotiated. What I don’t like is the new trend of people only becoming members so that they can make money off of BLF.

I shared one aff link worth $11, it was valid for a little over a week and as a base level BG user I made just over $10 for sharing that. Those who have moved up the affiliate tier and sharing multiple links with a much higher $$ would be making some good money out of BLF.

Say what?
Those aff links actually add up?
Hmm might do it for the Q8 and use half of the $ on things for the team and the other half for GAW stuff :smiley:

It’s not ‘nice’, but once the codes are public, they’re free to use i.m.o.
But should there be affiliate links with it at all?
When the user negotiated the deal i would say it’s normal to put an affiliate link with it.
But as a buyer you’re still free to use the normal link, like when it’s on your wishlist and you put it in the shopping cart.

Are we going to see a Q8? I’m just impatient… :person_facepalming:

It’s joke?

Brinyte DIV 11 coupon WUYA
Published in my theme - Wed, 02/08/2017 - 07:00
Published in Pablo’s theme - Wed, 02/08/2017 - 14:42 Pablo's Banggood and Gearbest Flash Sales, Coupon codes and Deals - #156 by Pablo_E

LiitoKala Lii - 202 coupon GYSA
Published in my theme - Wed, 02/08/2017 - 07:00
Published in Pablo’s theme - Wed, 02/08/2017 - 15:21 Pablo's Banggood and Gearbest Flash Sales, Coupon codes and Deals - #160 by Pablo_E

Quote ALL of what I said or none at all.

Also, do you actually like flashlights or do you simply post affiliate links in here. I had a quick look and it seems that every post you’ve ever made is an affiliate link.

I thought aff links were no longer allowed on the forum? when did that change, I completely missed that.
honestly though, so many posts seem to repost the same deals and I do not understand how they were “negotiated”? most gearbest deals appear to come from a similar source and maybe even gearbest themselves? can I make these posts disappear with the blf settings?

Good thread. Im just learning about this stuff.

codes are the same because they are in the vendors best interest to use the same code. That way if someone does not use the affiliate link, the vendor does not have to pay a commission, but the buyer still gets the discounted deal price. As you have seen, All affiliates get the same discount code, just different link.

?lkid=10355316 = Fin17
?lkid=10356157 = Pablo

not the same LinkID… so, it seems gearbest is giving BOTH Fin17 AND Pablo DIFFERENT Link IDs

Pablo did not “copy” Fin17, what happened is the vendor gave each of them separate “affiliate link” codes with the same discount code.

none of the affiliates want you to share discount codes, but if you copy their LINK, you would be giving Their Affiliate link, and They would get the commission. For you to get the commission you need Gearbest to give you an Affiliate Link of your own.

The Vendors are using Social Media Marketers to spam the forum
they ARE in the commercial section:
Commercial Sellers’ Spot » BLF User Negotiated Deals
you would need to scan recent posts in a sub forum, to avoid the deals that show on the Home page

Social Media Marketing is a significant source of revenue for vendors, and they intentionally time the announcements simultaneously. For example the recent Massdrop Brass Tool had at least FIVE “reviews”. In fact it turns out one of the reviewers mentioned they were even told WHEN to post… Result: 3600!!! units pre sold. That means buyers paid 2 months in advance… pretty effective marketing :slight_smile:

does it matter if they are also Flashlight Buyers (Consumers), or if they are just Social Media Marketers, if you save money?

The forums are target rich markets. The Consumers promote the products to each other through “reviews” of Free Samples, and Social Media Marketers get a commission for posting discount codes on behalf of the vendors. The Consumers think we are just sharing out the Love for the material goods we have purchased, The vendors think we are a bunch of buyers, always ready to buy the next best thing. Both are true. Reviewers feel they are sharing their time and effort, out of kindness, in return for free samples. Vendors feel the free samples are cheap advertising. Consumers like reviews. Everybody gets what they want.

Yes it does matter to me. Banggood have an account on here, they post deals, they answer questions. they are accountable on here. If you’ve got some random user posting deals that you think are because he wants to help that is different from a company paying to advertise.

Think of bannner ads, companies pay for those. Think of people spamming the forum with links to deals and adverts… that doesn’t benefit BLF in anyway.

I respect you have a choice to buy from whoever you want, and to pay whatever price you want.
If a “random user” (Social Media Marketer), offers you a better price, and you dont want to pay less, you have that choice also.
BLF Consumers (flashlight buyers), benefit from low prices, because they can consume more.

The Vendor is paying the Social Media Marketer a commission to advertise to Consumers.
The Vendor is paying the Reviewer with “free samples”, to advertise to Consumers.
The Consumers spend their own money AND give free advertising for the Vendors products.

See… were buyers… vendors use every means at their disposal to advertise to us. As long as we get to buy, Consumers win, Reviewers win, Social Media Marketers win, and Vendors win.

No joking we made clear no monetary reward for the team and chose to have the Chinese folks put it in the Q8 :wink:

@ Others, when posted in commercial sellers it is fine of course thanks to the friendly admin.
I would recommend however to try to get some really nice deals unique for you because having the same coupons in different topics is clutering the recent thread view IMHO
Look at Everydaysurvivalgear, some sweet deals, look at Freeme who actively reviews and arranges special deals, look at M4DM4X who can get you a code for products not on his immense list. That is offering value to the community!

Nothing says you have to use the AFF link in order to use a code posted. Go to BG or GB and navigate to the product yourself, use the code.
But some users deserve the support because of their efforts invested to this forum.

actually all the people who post codes ask you to respect their AF link and not to share or use the code otherwise

that is the underlying premise of this thread, that AF links are the only way posters who share codes can get paid their comission

if you prefer one poster over the other, by all means use the one you like, for whatever your reasons

but it really is kind of ripping them off, if you dont respect their AF link and just “steal” the code to use without giving them credit for the sale

I personally dont blame any of the “spammers”, its the vendor that has control of who gets an AF link, and the Vendor that determines how many “spammers” they keep on payroll.

There IS something shady about the whole “secret” code thing… but its the Vendor, not the poster, spammer, social media marketer, reviewer, or even fanboi, that is calling the shots as to how many people get to post codes.

weve got manufacturers, who sell in bulk to vendors, who advertise mfg suggested retail, and on the side in “secret” the bulk vendors use reviewers and deal posters, to do bulk marketing at a discount… its all just business… we are just the buyers at the end of the food chain

I think the refrence to “stealing” is a bit harsh since the code is posted on a thread for all to see. This thread is a good education on how things work. Understanding how it works and how one chooses to use it is up to the individual. Just making people aware.

I just enjoy getting great deals, if it weren’t for folks posting the codes, I would pass on a lot of flashlights.
So thanks to all who make the connections, scour the weeds, etc. and bring these deals here.
What they make off them is none of my concern as it does not come out of my end.
These deals help spread and advance the hobby, how that can be a bad thing?
Would have no idea.

JMHO, your voltage may vary +/- .05%
4.25 v Keith