Thanks for the advice EasyB and Lightrider, I'll take that into consideration, especially since I can de-dome the XP-l at a later date if I chose to, where I won't really be able to with an Xp-L2. Texas Ace's death test of the Xp-l2 is mostly what I was considering when trying to answer this question myself, but I didn't think about the importance of which bin led I'm using. - Texas Ace's Xp-l2 info
At the relatively high currents were talking about, does the XM-l2 size package offer better thermal characteristics with it’s larger size base, or will that matter if they’re both on similar dtp copper boards and only running for max 60-90seconds in turbo, often much less?
Is the V6 bin in Xp-l2 I got from Kaidomain believable or do they often inflate/alter the bin claims of their leds? I seem to have pretty good luck with them in limited experience, just wondering
Starting to think you guys are on the right track, xp-l hi or xp-l v6 might be better in this application and save the Xp-l2 for a high efficiency Convoy tube light-type thing maybe with a buck driver or something.