Temporary Service Disruption
Effective Feb. 4, the Postal Service will temporarily suspend only international package acceptance of inbound parcels from China and Hong Kong Posts until further notice. Note the flow of letters and flats from China and Hong Kong will not be impacted.
Hong Kong
Temporary Service Disruption
Effective Feb. 4, the Postal Service will temporarily suspend only international package acceptance of inbound parcels from China and Hong Kong Posts until further notice. Note the flow of letters and flats from China and Hong Kong will not be impacted.
Hi everyone. This thread was automatically closed by the forum engine due to the high rate of reported posts. I think that it will be best to leave it closed. Additionally, with a view to being as fair as possible and not introducing any hint of bias, I have hidden all replies in this thread whether they violated the rules or not. My apologies to everyone, but this topic is far too emotionally and politically charged to handle in any other way.
If @brad wants to post updates strictly limited to the current USPS situation as he has done thus far he can do so by editing the first post.
I fully understand that emotions are running high now for many. And I sincerely respect everyone’s right to have their own opinion on political and social issues that majorly affect their daily lives. I am not in any way attempting to promote an official BLF position on these issues, nor do I want to impose my personal opinions and convictions on others. But in the context of a multi-national internet forum about flashlights it is extremely important to completely avoid mentioning or discussing facts or opinions about any topic that could lead to controversy. The current political and social climate in any country falls squarely in that prohibited topic category, because experience has shown that simply mentioning specific issues here always lead to conflict. I think that in this divisive world many of us come here to get some temporary relief from that exact sort of conflict, so we all need to do our part to make sure the environment here is free of any sort of triggers that could disturb the peace. This is not to say that these issues aren’t important, but they simply can not be discussed here.