Are these the same light?
They claim to be and I believe they are the same. I only have the Sofirn but have a Utorch on the way. I’m sure somebody can clear this right up for ya. I have all 3 versions of the Sofirn C8F and this new 21700 version is my favorite. Though they are all great lights.
Todd, how do they perform against each other? I only have the newest 21700. Is it the best version of all 3 from Sofirn?
Back to subject. Both look to be same light physically. But performance could be a different story
The new versions seems to out throw the older two. The tint seems to be just a bit higher than the previous ones as well. This one claims to have an output of 3500 lumens on turbo. I have no way to actually measure it but, using them side by side the new version does look to have higher output to my eyes. I like the ramping option, something the other two lack. I think the modes are nicely spaced enough to where I don’t really need to use the ramping that often. So I reckon I like to be able to use the tail cap as a momentary switch, the longer run times with the cell, and the higher output. I know the first batch of new ones had a driver issue of some sort that was keeping it from getting full output. Sofirn was sending out new drivers to those buyers to remedy the situation. I assume I have a already fixed one from the factory as it is brighter thank my other two. I also like the feel of the new light body in my hand. The knurling really helps keep a good grip on it.
I have both. Can’t tell any difference.
I can try to get some comparison shots of all of them tonight or tomorrow night. See how the weather hold up out here. My beam shot pictures never come out that great but I will see if I can get some to look as I actually see it. There is a tree line about 100 yard away from my front door and it gets pretty dark out here. When the 21700 first got here, just a few days ago, I took them out to compare. The new one was definitely brighter and had a tighter hotspot.
Just curious, which 3 versions?
I know there’s the previous Sofirn C8F (18650) without tailswitch and the Sofirn C8F (21700) with tailswitch — I’ve tried these 2 models. I have not tried the UTorch C8F (21700) yet. Does Sofirn have an “old” and a “new” version of the Sofirn C8F (21700), thus the “3 versions”? If so, what’s the difference?
There was an earlier version of the 18650 C8F. I believe it was tail-switch only. With the right (wrong) cells the emitters would desolder themselves, or something.
I ask because the Sofirn is $40 +/- and right now the Utorch can be had for $27
The SC31 looks the same also.
You can get a code from sofirn if you message them here. Get the c8f + the 21700 and a charger for $37 on Amazon with the code. I just got a set.
Yeah, those were with XP-G2s(-G3s?). The XP-L version didn’t overcook.
I got all 3 versions, too. The gen1 version is just fine if you use higher-cap cells that don’t push too much current. Use panny-Bs for lots of runtime, or even laptop-pulls, and you’re good to go.
One month ago, the price for the light and battery kit at Amazon was $39.54 and the Sofirn code made it $32.03. According to the price of this kit has been varying Since Nov 22. This looks like Amazon playing their normal pricing games. But I’m not complaining. It’s great that Sofirn sells through Amazon and that they give us these discount codes.