Hey everyone. When I came here I was in search of a UV flashlight, and then later how to make one. The best place to start is here , a massive dissertation by CRX that contains everything you would want to know about flashlights, LEDs and other stuff. I thought the guy spent all his time making those cool self-built lights but clearly not. About half way through this there is a section on UV lights and things. There are some good links there but the last UV roundup there was in 2011 and CRX’s original post is from 2013, although it has been updated recently. So I went on a search and came up with the following table. I thought anyone looking for a stock UV light might find it useful too. I think it is pretty complete but let me know about errors and omissions and I will try to update it. I used Bort’s method of pasting in an image so the links aren’t useful, but I will provide the info to anyone who needs more. Just search on the name of the light and you should find it. This table only includes 365nm UV lights. Unless you want something for a specific purpose, say curing nail polish, anything with longer wavelengths isn’t worth it. And there are tons of $10 365nm lights on Amazon and ebay. I included a couple just to show what is out there. Most are not worth looking at. Please note I have only used the Convoy S2+ light personally.
~Prices are included only to show relative costs. They are just what I found when searching and will vary with time and coupons. Current as of the date of this post.
They also show that some of these light can be quite expensive, mostly the ones promoted to the forensic community.
~Stated power is what the manufacturer gives. Mostly these are consumed power (5W) but some are for emitted power (650mW). Sorry I was lazy and didn’t try to put them all on a common basis. Probably not enough information to do that anyway.
~Filter included is important if you want to use the light stock. All UV emitters give off some visible light and you will be unsatisfied with the UV performance of the light without a UV filter. See the CRX post for links about these filters. Edit: see post below by CRX.
Personal recommendation: If you are looking for a good budget UV light, consider the Countryman, Convoy or Jaxman lights listed at the beginning of the table. From the comments I have seen on BLF these are all good lights from reputable dealers. You will essentially get what you pay for in performance. Full disclosure, I have no financial connection with any of these companies. I started with the Convoy S2+ and was very happy. Be sure it uses the Nichia emitter and has the ZWB2 filter.
I want a high quality UV light like the “HQ UV 365-375nm” in the second post. It has to output no visible light. Will the Convoy S2 do and which version do I get. There’s an S2 LG and S2+ nichia which is a bit more expensive. LG one has a filter so will it perform the same as the nichia? and are there any other lights worth considering?
Wow, bringing back an old thread. The landscape out there has changed since the table was put together, but the recommendation for what to start with hasn’t. Basically you get what you pay for. The more expensive S2+ with Nichia has the least visible light so will work best without a filter. However installing a filter is so cheap and easy you should do it. You won’t regret it.
Yes, there are other things out there, most more expensive for not much more performance. I did find a light with the highest power Nichia 333 LED but it’s $300. The Convoy is a good place to start. If you let us know what you want to do with it someone may recommend a better light.
don’t really have need for it. just want it because…why not. I have an Astrolux A01UV but it produces a lot of visible light. Also have an unused MJ1 sitting around so I might as well make use of it. The LG one has a filter pre installed. I’ve read that the nichia still produces a tiny bit of visible light so maybe the nichia with a filter would be the best idea? I’m looking to spend around $25 max.
Yes I would get the one with Nichia and ZWB2 filter. There is a little visible light but the filter takes care of it. I didn’t see it on the Convoy site so not sure about the $25.
Great thread. I'm actually going to do a Roundup of UV flashlights. I currently received 5/6 UV lights so far, but 1 order got cancelled with 3 lights....I canceled it myself after waiting almost 3 months while still out of stock.
I'm mainly focusing on their 'performance' and wihout too many technical details.
What UV flashlights do you guys know from major brands that are still relatively new?
I’m surprised more of the ‘mainstream’ budget light manufacturers don’t make 365nm UV models-
Am I correct in the assumption that 3535 footprint lights they already manufacture means companies would only require ZWB type filter glass and some UV LED’s…?
I don't have much experience with UV flashlights so I hope to learn more about them while testing.
I currently have a Convoy S2, S2+, Jaxman U1, Jaxman U1C, Weltool M2BF and a cheapo. Still waiting on the Sofirn UV flashlight and need to order maybe 2 more. Had the Jetbeam on order which I canceled.
Thinking about adding the Fenix TK25UV, Nitecore GEM10 or something similar.
Any suggestions?
Maybe I should make a new thread for that.. sorry for going a little offtopic
Oh man this is the best thread… I just got an Acebeam UC15 today and it has a tiny UV light. I am just mesmerized with this thing. I have like 6 regular flashlights on the way (including the mighty MS18) and I see that I’m going to be grabbing some UV’s!
So I’m hoping that someone can give me some recommendations. I want something extremely powerful with a long throw range and cost is no object