This is a project I am working on for someone. They would like to cure this UV paint with a flashlight.
The emitters we will be using are 365mn, 395nm and eventually a 400nm.
I have some basic questions about working with these LEDs.
. Safety
Exactly what eye protection do I need to be using?
What other safety concerns are there with this type of led?
. Construction
Can I use traditional plastic optics like the 3x and 4x we use with common LEDs? I put a UV dropin of some kind in my old surefire 6p and it melted the acrylic lens.
Based on the above data sheet is it at all reasonable to think I can make a UV light strong enough to cure that paint using a battery pack of 3x 18650s? I don’t know how efficient regular UV bulbs are vs LED so what would be a 400 watt equivalent?
Do I need to spend hundreds of dollars getting a nichia or some expensive UV LED or are the budget ones from mouser and digikey just as good?
A 400W equivalent?
I don’t know about that. Current single die uv leds are 0.5 to 1W output power typically. But there are sime high output uv-COB leds out there with much more output. I do not know much about them and thus can not recommend one.
To answer some of the other questions:
-You do not need Nichia leds for maximum output, some cheaper leds have just as good output, but do not have such a clean spectrum, but that is irrelevant for use as a curing light. Search Digikey for LiteOn leds, they fit a standard XP-G pad.
-For 365nm, standard safety goggles made of polycarbonate block it almost completely. For 400nm leds you need the yellow glasses. You can always check glasses by shining the uv-light through the glasses onto a piece of copier paper, if it does not give the blue fluorescence, the glasses are ok.
-The efficiency of 365nm-400nm uv leds have improved drastically in recent years, in output power it is not far under the blue leds used in white leds.
-Carclo optics work well for 400nm, but block 365nm almost completely. Again check with the copier paper test.
look for 3535 leds. many on ebay, xp footprint, thou they are hit and miss quality wise. i have few 395, as well as 400-405 iirc, i can send you 1 of each for testing, they worked fine for my purposes, they are on stars, but i unsolder them and use with triples. pm me if interested,