Ok, keep us updated
Boards ordered from OSH park, now it’s just a waiting game.
I’ve built and tested the new version with the mux. I was looking at a few different chips but thefreeman suggested the TS5A3159A so that’s what I used. The muxing works very well, output levels look rock solid.
This particular driver I built can’t deliver the same amount of power with the same source but I think that’s due to the soldering issues I’m having with the inductors: Those that have soldered large SMD inductors on your drivers, what was your method?
I’ve had this issue before. It’s not the mux in any case, I’ve bypassed it and power levels are the same. I’ll build another one and check but first I need to make a little SMD hot plate or similar, I need a more reliable method for soldering on these inductors.
I’m out the door for a week, If there is interest I can make driver board available on OSH park and the provide BOM when I get back. The firmware isn’t fully assembled but I have all the parts. In any case if someone actually builds this driver they need the flashing kit regardless, so re-flashing later versions of firmware won’t be an issue. I used the ATtiny416 Xplained Nano, read more about flashing these newer MCU versions here: Adventures in TinyAVR 1-Series
Please post the Oshpark files. I’m ready to start building some of these. Especially for upcoming SFT70 and maybe even a quad B35AM I’m dreaming up.
Here is the OSH Park project page: OSH Park ~
Note that this driver is based on the ATtiny1616 which is currently sold out everywhere.
hehe… it based on any part you can stick in. Where is no component ID anyway
I ordered one set of 3, though I not sure yet in what I’ll use them (aside from an S2+), what are interesting hosts with 17mm drivers ?
Hopefully others add to this list.
Convoy M2 and T2
BLF X6 and A6
Luckysun D80 (early ones at least)
Most 18650 zoomies? B158B ~17.5-18mm
Astrolux tube triples/quads
Thanks for the suggestions.
Back from travels. I’ll get the BOM put up shortly, hopefully I can sit down this evening. I’ll make a new thread.
Is there any way we could have a small batch (artisanal) of these drivers reflowed?
We need another BLF X6 run. That host was / is so nice.
And what about UI, how it will look like? For e-switch and clicky it should be different.
I would offer, but it’s too hard to get components right now.
For the attiny1616 Digikey annouces 25/06/21, that’s not too far away, 28/07/21 for Farnell.
The stock of MP3431 at Mouser and Digikey is getting thin but there are still some left.
I didn’t get an opportunity to sit down and finalize some things. I haven’t settled on some resistor values yet and I also have a test to do which might eliminate a component. I don’t think I’ll be able to do these tests tomorrow either. I’ll make the BOM as soon as I have done these tests.
About stock on some components on Mouser:
Boost IC MP3431. Some left on Mouser. The newer MP3432 should be in stock before they get more MP3431s but I don’t know what the difference is, I have not studied the MP3432 datasheet.
OpAmp OPA333 (OPA333AIDCKR). Out of stock on Mouser. There is a variant that is in stock but it’s crazy expensive, it costs almost four times and I have no idea what the difference is: OPA333AMDCKREP
Firmware has multiple UI choices for all switch types: E-switch, clicky switch and dual switch (one E-switch, one clicky switch).
It’s a ”HiRel” product for space and military applications.
Mouser still has some TLV333 and more coming soon, digikey has plenty.
The only difference I see with between the 3431 and 3432 is that the latter has a passthrough feature, aside from that they look identical and pin compatible.
I’ve finally put together a thread containing BOM and other build specific information: B17: 17mm +50W boost driver, DIY build information
I built a new v6 driver and it works without power issues. The MUX system works perfectly. I control MUX high/low and HDR FET on/off on separate pins so the MUX performance can be isolated and evaluated.