I’m guessing that the number that flashes is the capacity that was measured by the end of the discharge step during Test mode. It will Charge, Discharge and Charge again.
You really think so. That sounds odd, but you may be right. Does yours do it too? It’s strange that I can’t find any documentation for it.
Yeah, mine does that too. I just put an eneloop pro AAA Ni-MH in and used Test mode. It started flashing the mAh and wH (but not the internal resistance) after the Discharge step. The BL4 stops measuring the capacity at the end of the Discharge step. So it makes sense to make the UI do something to indicate that you can now read the capacity.
Thank you! I need to play more with the BL4.
At first I didn’t like it cause the measured capacity of my batteries were much lower than what my other battery charger calculated . It’s an ISDT N8. I still like that a lot and what it can do, but I do believe that the BL4 is more accurate. I have read your review of both of them, and you seem to believe the same. Right? Besides, I may need to charge Lithium batteries at some point in the future.
I have an YR1035+ to measure the internal resistance accurately.
I usually try to charge a cell separately whenever I want to do a capacity test and I’ll use a digital multimeter to check the voltage. Then I’ll use capacity test mode where the first Charge step is very short.
Capacity test mode may give a rough capacity. It can be impacted by the charge cut-off, Discharge cut-off, current and temperature.
I got around 770mAh for a AAA cell rated for 750mAh.
Has anyone seen this charger available from a US retailer yet? I’ve checked all of those I’m familiar with.
Is everyone ordering them from Vapcell directly?
I ordered mine from the official Vapcell Direct Store on AliExpress: Vapcell Direct Store - Amazing products with exclusive discounts on AliExpress
That’s directly in my book.
Thank you. I wasn’t entirely sure which was their official Ali Express store. I was already aware of the fact that there are a bunch of fake Convoy stores on the platform, and Vapcell themselves have warned about fake Ali Express sellers, but neither say that they don’t sell on Ali Express, nor provide a link to their actual Ali Express store.
I was also a bit disappointed that the estimated shipping time is currently over 2 months.
Vapcelltech.com, meanwhile, appears to require buyers create an account to order, which isn’t a deal breaker, but I generally don’t like to have orphan accounts with retailers I bought a single item from.
However, if the consensus is that is a legitimate Ali Express store, then I should probably go ahead and order there instead of continuing to wait for a US retailer.
It’s the genuine store. Besides. there’s a sticker on Vapcells chargers with a hidden code, that you can check on this site. I did and the code was valid.
The estimated shipping time is worst case scenario. There’s a very good chance that it’ll arrive much sooner.
Thanks for the review!
I have a few questions about NiMH.
Can you tell if it’s a top-up or a trickle charge at the end of charging and what current it would be?
Is it generally a good charger for LSD cells? Or would S4+ be better?
I’m guessing that it will charge four NiMH batteries an hour quicker than BQ-CC65.
It’s a 50 to 100mA trickle charge after the termination. I really ought to adjust the graph so that the trickle charge is clearer.
I find average current in HKJ reviews very helpful. Thanks for quick reply.
When I top up a battery to measure the IR, I get an error message (err) on the BL4. Is that normal? Perhaps it can’t charge a battery a tiny amount?
On HKJ review S4+ looks like it is having ~10mA trickle charge on average. Would you say that BL4 has similar average trickle charge? Or it is much higher?
I’ll need to calculate it properly and average the values after termination. From memory, it’s closer to 50 mA.
My question please?
Is this when using Pro mode, Charge, 3.7V Li-ion battery type?
Pro Mode yes, but NiMH. I have no Li-ions.
Good video! Thank you.