vapcell s4+ cap test feature

so whats the point of this rating standard? is it of any use to us users? and is it possible to determine the use discharge rate from that?

You can see that brand X has 2000mAh, brand Y has 2500mAh, and brand Z has 3500mAh. That’s all.
It shows NOTHING about the discharge capabilities under a real world load.
If you find the actual recommended specs you ‘may’ have an idea what the battery might do, IF the manufacturer is honest and done their testing with some integrity.
As you have seen, some of the places batteries come from have no integrity what so ever. Specs are completely made up.

Starting to understand why we love HJK, and what an incredible service he provides? He tests real world use capabilities. Remarkable work.

right, i found a few 4000mah 21700 he tested

two of them are rated at 40A, just like the sofirn ones, one of them rated at 30A, but it looks like they all handle somewhere between 10-20A ish. u think its safe to assume sofirn is about the same?

No idea. Probably?

Are you getting seduced by high amp discharge capability? Not many things require much more than 10A. Very few more than 20A. (I’m not a vaper. Those things can have high power requirements I guess.)
There is always a price……

I read a bit of this thread here n there. You have got them all wrong my friend.

A lot of these 30A, 40A or even 50A are just model number in a way to fool people.

Read HKJ reviews properly. Read every single word might help you understand further if you have not.

no i dont need high discharge at all, but i also dont wanna risk it having low discharge, if the sofirn 21700 even has 10A, im happy, but the thing is theres no spec at all

yes i know, thats why i said what i said, they are rated at 30 40, but HJK found them to be below 20, where did u get the idea that i thought they can actually do 30 or 40?

You mentioned ’two of them are rated at 40A”… From the start, you have been mislead by this “40A” to be 40Amp. What I’m trying to explain is they are never rated at 40A(Ampere). Never has any seller claimed that they can do 40A(A as in Amp). 40A is just a name similar to Tom, Dick & Hairy.

from HJK:

Official specifications:
Model: Lii-40A
Size: 21700
Chemistry: IMR
Nominal Capacity: 4000mAh
Nominal Voltage: 3.6V
Discharge: 40A Max Continuous
Positive: Flat
Rechargeable: Yes
Dimensions: 21.2mm x 70.4mm
Weight: 61.2g

if thats not called “rated 40A”, A as in amp, then i dont know what it is. now whether or not it can do 40A is a different question.

I’m sorry if I can’t get to your mind what I explained. Too bad…

Did you read the test, look at the graphs?

[Conclusion -The cells has the rated capacity and capacity is fairly constant with load, but they do get rather hot at high current. This means they may handle high pulse current, but 20A or more in constant current is not a good idea.]

They can, and often will, name it what they want and provide specs that are somewhere between optimistic > delusional.
That is not a 40A max cont. battery.
Sofirn doesn’t make cells, they re-wrap them, which is true for a lot of batteries. unless you can find out what is underneath, and that has been tested, or wait for a real review, then the testing is on you.

i literally just proved your assumption wrong by quoting from HJK page of the battery in question, even he marked down that these batteries are supposedly rated at 40A…but u know, if i cant get to your mind what i explained, too bad…

i read the conclusions on all of the ones i linked, thats why i said:

“two of them are rated at 40A, just like the sofirn ones, one of them rated at 30A, but it looks like they all handle somewhere between 10-20A ish.”

i didnt get that 10-20A number out of my ass, i got it from HJK’s conclusions. i am fully aware they cannot do 40A, im saying they are RATED 40A by the manufacturer, which HJK also noted down in the “official specification”

am i not speaking english? or am i tripping…how can both of u misunderstand what im trying to say here…someone else help me out, jesus…

No, they are rated by the manufacturer.
HJK test proved they were not.
Specs were obviously not real.

As LTC said, you have to read the test. If you find that too much, at least read the conclusion, which I posted above.

Thanks mate for chipping in. Your explanation definitely better than mine.

are you guys trolling me??? why are you arguing with me when we are all saying the same thing? im so confused…

“if thats not called “rated 40A”, A as in amp, then i dont know what it is. now whether or not it can do 40A is a different question.”

“i didnt get that 10-20A number out of my ass, i got it from HJK’s conclusions. i am fully aware they cannot do 40A, im saying they are RATED 40A by the manufacturer, which HJK also noted down in the “official specification””

i genuinely do not understand what is happening right now…

i said:

“im saying they are RATED 40A by the manufacturer”

you said:

“No, they are rated by the manufacturer.

how are these two statements different???

Seems like we are just having confusion about semantics. We thought you were not understanding. Remember, you are the one asking questions.
As long as you get it, that’s fine.

Hi niajef, please take it down a notch.

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sorry, i was just getting super confused and frustrated because i thought we were all on the same page, but they kept saying i got it wrong, and then proceed to tell me exactly what i said in the second part of my statements. so i needed to clear the air.

Confusion happens on line sometimes. Never thought you were being hostile. Interpreted your reaction to confusion, which is was, but not about what I thought.
I guess I need to learn to type LOUDER……that always clears things up. :wink: :person_facepalming: