An Alibaba seller sent this out to me for review and it surprised me. Well made, built like the Convoy Z1, but a better design without the squeak that the Z1 makes when focused. I could see my neighbors house at 1,185m and I consider that to be a great result.
Disclaimer: No animals were hurt during the making of this video lol
Czech out “Lancs Vermin Control” on the yootoob. He’s got a few vids of the equipment he uses, and one of the doodads was a laser-driven IR light. Might’ve been the Pard, not sure.
Goggled around, saw he reviewed (?) an Odepro KL52, but can’t find the one I was thinking about.
Crazy Switch! This is something new to me. I totally don’t understand this one
I could understand single mode of this switch but this switch seems to have: RVP, LVP, Atmel tiny for mode selection? So this is basically a driver with electronic switch?