video of LD25 output current setting ,wish you success!

Thanks Simon.
I really don’t like the 5% - 50% - 100% of LD33.

uh….i guess you hate it because there is no big difference between the mid mode and the high mode

I would suggest yes and I agree.


Not a lot of seller understand our thoughts as well as you do. :beer:

can the new LD-40 be done the same way?

cannot see it ,cuz it said ,it is unavailable in safety mode

Does the LD-40 have a set key aswell?

I hate to dig up old threads but I had some questions about this procedure. I recently bought one of the “older” (block knurling). Convoy L2’s with the LD25 driver and thought I’d check out the video.

  1. Is that a voltmeter he’s using to supply the current? And if so, would an average battery powered Harbor Freight cheapie work?

2: How do you know what mode you are adjusting?

3: Does raising the current make the light brighter? If you raise HIGH up to 3.xx amps, is it putting out more lumens? Thanks