Video Review: Another BLF A6 Review with Tested Output figures, runtimes, and night usage shots.

Good job on the video/review!

such a talent! Really. Someone find this guy a mentor, give him some exposure/opportunity and let him make films, or shorts, whatever.

Love the endings, found myself cracking up once again after this ending.


Do some people buy flashlights to not use them? I sure hope not! the scratches mostly consist of my placing on top of my work bench and they roll off and hit the floor.

You have my video, and I have fear the walking dead. I hope it’s going to get better. I would still watch a bad zombie show over my video though!

Got it!


Thanks! I always try and give them some sort of ending that feels right for the video.

Am I the only one that has a shelf full of lights that rarely get used? Sounds like I need a good flogging.

Flashlights are like guns. Every time you buy your VERY LAST ONE because nothing can ever beat it, something comes out that beats it (at least in your mind :smiley: ). I have many guns I never shoot so having flashlights I don’t use doesn’t bother me too much :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh there’s a few I don’t use much… But I give away all the ones I don’t use at all.